Subject: | parse() dies on accented characters |
I'm running Text::CSV_XS 0.23 with Perl 5.004_04 running on
"Linux 2.0.34C52_SK #1 Tue Nov 30 18:14:40 PST 1999 mips unknown".
I have a CSV file with the following line:
FR01,OSE SYSTEMS S.a.r.l,"Centre Commercial Belle Epine\nTour Europa - B.P. 112\n94532 THIAIS CEDEX\nFrance",,Ms Vèronique Halatan,200
When calling parse() with this line, I get an error. This only occurs on the lines with accented characters such as ë, etc. I have not had time to look into why it dies on these characters, but I will try to do so.