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This queue is for tickets about the Encode-Mapper CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 29613
Status: resolved
Priority: 0/
Queue: Encode-Mapper

Owner: Nobody in particular
Requestors: ANDK [...]

Bug Information
Severity: Important
Broken in: 1.6
Fixed in: (no value)

Subject: requires perl => 5.8 needs to be 5.008
Your Build.PL contains requires => { 'perl' => 5.8, }, This needs to be '5.8.0' or 5.008. 5.8 is a floating point number, 5.8.0 is a version string. The latter converts to 5.008! % perl -e ' use version; my $p1 = version->new(5.8); my $p2 = $]; print $p2 >= $p1 ? "ok" : "not ok # $p2 is not >= $p1"; print "\n"; ' not ok # 5.008007 is not >= 5.8 % /home/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/perl/pEQciiW/perl-5.8.0@31964/bin/perl -e ' use version; my $p1 = version->new(5.8); my $p2 = $]; print $p2 >= $p1 ? "ok" : "not ok # $p2 is not >= $p1"; print "\n"; ' not ok # 5.010000 is not >= 5.8 Thanks
Fixed and reloaded as 1.6 again, thanks! -- OS