Subject: | 05meta.t fails "no such table: auths(1)" on OS X |
t/05meta.t fails with:
DBD::SQLite::db prepare failed: no such table: auths(1) at dbdimp.c line
271 at /Users/schwern/devel/CPAN-SQLite/lib/CPAN/SQLite/DBI/
line 86.
# Looks like you planned 2515 tests but only ran 1.
Here's a stack trace from the debugger.
main::(t/05meta.t:62): my $auth = CPAN::Shell->expand("Author", $cpanid);
CPAN: CPAN::SQLite loaded ok (v0.18)
Creating database file ...
at /Users/schwern/devel/CPAN-SQLite/lib/CPAN/SQLite/ line 308
'time', 1187472335, 'force', 'undef') called at
/usr/local/perl/5.8.8/lib/ line 4584
CPAN::Index::reload('CPAN::Index') called at
/usr/local/perl/5.8.8/lib/ line 1124
CPAN::exists('CPAN=HASH(0x1b409fc)', 'CPAN::Author', 'LDS')
called at /usr/local/perl/5.8.8/lib/ line 2795
CPAN::Shell::expand_by_method('CPAN::Shell', 'CPAN::Author',
'ARRAY(0x1b2d3e8)', 'LDS') called at /usr/local/perl/5.8.8/lib/
line 2715
CPAN::Shell::expand('CPAN::Shell', 'Author', 'LDS') called at
t/05meta.t line 62
Removing existing /var/local/cpan_shell/cpandb.sql
Gathering information from index files ...
Populating database tables ...
at /Users/schwern/devel/CPAN-SQLite/lib/CPAN/SQLite/ line 316
'time', 1187472335, 'force', 'undef') called at
/usr/local/perl/5.8.8/lib/ line 4584
CPAN::Index::reload('CPAN::Index') called at
/usr/local/perl/5.8.8/lib/ line 1124
CPAN::exists('CPAN=HASH(0x1b409fc)', 'CPAN::Author', 'LDS')
called at /usr/local/perl/5.8.8/lib/ line 2795
CPAN::Shell::expand_by_method('CPAN::Shell', 'CPAN::Author',
'ARRAY(0x1b2d3e8)', 'LDS') called at /usr/local/perl/5.8.8/lib/
line 2715
CPAN::Shell::expand('CPAN::Shell', 'Author', 'LDS') called at
t/05meta.t line 62
DBD::SQLite::db prepare failed: no such table: auths(1) at dbdimp.c line
271 at /Users/schwern/devel/CPAN-SQLite/lib/CPAN/SQLite/DBI/
line 86.
at /Users/schwern/devel/CPAN-SQLite/lib/CPAN/SQLite/DBI/ line 86
'search', 'HASH(0x1c89650)', 'fields', 'ARRAY(0x1c896ec)', 'order_by',
'cpanid', 'table', 'auths', ...) called at
/Users/schwern/devel/CPAN-SQLite/lib/CPAN/SQLite/ line 112
'search', 'HASH(0x1c89650)', 'meta_obj',
'CPAN::SQLite::META::Author=HASH(0x1acf430)') called at
/Users/schwern/devel/CPAN-SQLite/lib/CPAN/SQLite/ line 78
'query', 'undef', 'mode', 'undef', 'name', 'undef', 'id', 'undef', ...)
called at /Users/schwern/devel/CPAN-SQLite/lib/CPAN/ line 71
CPAN::SQLite::query('CPAN::SQLite=HASH(0x1c2b168)', 'mode',
'author', 'name', 'LDS', 'meta_obj',
'CPAN::SQLite::META::Author=HASH(0x1acf430)') called at
/Users/schwern/devel/CPAN-SQLite/lib/CPAN/SQLite/ line 53
called at /Users/schwern/devel/CPAN-SQLite/lib/CPAN/SQLite/ line 20
'CPAN::Author', 'LDS') called at /usr/local/perl/5.8.8/lib/ line 1130
CPAN::exists('CPAN=HASH(0x1b409fc)', 'CPAN::Author', 'LDS')
called at /usr/local/perl/5.8.8/lib/ line 2795
CPAN::Shell::expand_by_method('CPAN::Shell', 'CPAN::Author',
'ARRAY(0x1b2d3e8)', 'LDS') called at /usr/local/perl/5.8.8/lib/
line 2715
CPAN::Shell::expand('CPAN::Shell', 'Author', 'LDS') called at
t/05meta.t line 62
DBD::SQLite::db prepare failed: no such table: auths(1) at dbdimp.c line
271 at /Users/schwern/devel/CPAN-SQLite/lib/CPAN/SQLite/DBI/
line 86.
# Looks like you planned 2515 tests but only ran 1.
Debugged program terminated. Use q to quit or R to restart,
use o inhibit_exit to avoid stopping after program termination,
h q, h R or h o to get additional info.
Here's some more info:
DB<2> x $CPAN::Config->{cpan_home}
0 '/Users/schwern/devel/CPAN-SQLite/t/dot-cpan'
Looking at /Users/schwern/devel/CPAN-SQLite/t/dot-cpan/cpandb.sql via
sqlite confirms there are no tables...
0 windhund ~/devel/CPAN-SQLite/t/dot-cpan$ sqlite3 cpandb.sql
SQLite version 3.1.3
Enter ".help" for instructions
Show quoted text
sqlite> .tables