On Mon, 20 Aug 2007, Christian Bartolomaeus via RT wrote:
Show quoted text
Show quoted text> May I suggest to use the following symbols instead of "Loss", "Win"
> etc.:
Show quoted text> Win: 1
> Draw: 0.5 or =
> Loss: 0
> Bye: +
> Absent: -
Show quoted text> I would say those are fairly common for chess tournaments.
> Furthermore, sometimes '=' (instead of '0.5') is used to represent a
> draw. The advantage of '=' is that it's only one character, so it's
> sometimes easier to use for graphical representation or recording of
> results.
I will probably follow something like that for version 0.06.
I want to vary the scores for win and losses. For my purposes I
also want to give more points for a loss than an absence. Eg, 0.5
for a loss and 0 for an absence.
But I will probably make something like your suggestion the
default. Thanks.
Show quoted text> Actually I'm trying to write a (simple) web frontend to your scripts,
> so that one can use them to organize chess tournaments (e.g. our club
> championship). For entering scores I will use the following:
Show quoted text> 1 : 0
> = : =
> 0 : 1
> + : -
> - : +
> - : - (I'm not sure whether I need this.)
Don't free programs to print out crosstables and pairing tables
already exist? I think I picked up the idea of what a pairing
table looks like from
http://www.chesschat.org, but from the
output of a proprietary program.
The web front end sounds like a good idea.
Show quoted text> I'm a bit curious about this non-chess educational context you are
> speaking about.
I teach English as a Foreign Language to reluctant students.
Competition can be motivating, but these students have had all
the interest in learning knocked out of them by the exam
I saw setting up a Swiss system as an experiment in motivation.
The experiment hasn't worked, but it's been interesting writing
the program.
Show quoted text> > Another format could be:
Show quoted text
Show quoted text> > 6:
> > Laver: win
> > McEnroe: loss
> > 7:
> > Hoad: win
> > Sampras: loss
Show quoted text> I like the last one most. I guess you will -- should the occasion
> arise -- use the complete names as in:
Show quoted text> 6:
> 'Laver, Rod': win
> 'McEnroe, John': loss
> 7:
> 'Hoad, Lew': win
> 'Sampras, Pete': loss
I don't want to have to require the full name with the inverted
commas. Perhaps I will be able to require only surnames, unless 2
people from the same family were playing each other on the same
Show quoted text> > [...]
> > The downside is the players are not in any consistent order from
> > round to round.
Show quoted text> I think that's not so important as one can easily search for a
> specific player and furthermore the players are (roughly) ordered
> according to their total scores.
Good points. I think I will use that format to enter scores. It's
difficult to handle 2 scores on the same line, as in
Laver 1:0 McEnroe
Show quoted text> > I made the changes to crosstable (Changes to pairingtable I had
> > already made, but had not uploaded). I will upload
> > them to CPAN when I accumulate a few other changes, or when I
> > work out how to upload individual parts of the distribution.
I have since uploaded version 0.5.