Subject: | make test fails afetr install and docs outdated |
Hi! Thanks for your module!
However, I noticed two little things.
First I tryied this (with lastest catalyst and your module 0.2):
$ foo
$ cd foo
$ ./script/ view TT TTSimple
$ perl Makefile.PL
$ make test
and the test about View::TT fails with
t/view_TT..........NOK 1/1
# Failed test 'use foo::View::TT;'
# at t/view_TT.t line 5.
# Tried to use 'foo::View::TT'.
# Error: Can't locate object method "path_to" via package "foo" at
/home/krani1/tmp/foo/blib/lib/foo/View/ line 6.
I think this should not happen.
Second, I think the documentation is outdated. The directory tree
created by the previous command on my system was:
$ tree -d root/
|-- lib
| |-- config
| `-- site
|-- src
`-- static
|-- images
|-- javascripts
`-- stylesheets
which got me real confused. any chance that you can update the docs?
thank you!