When running FriendAdder on a new database, the "friend_adder.pl" script dies with the
following error:
Can't call method "db_Main" on an undefined value at
/Library/Perl/5.8.6/Class/DBI/Loader/mysql.pm line 43.
The error is generated by this call in Data.pm->_loader:
my $loader = Class::DBI::Loader->new(
dsn => $self->{'db'}->{'dsn'},
user => $self->{'db'}->{'user'},
password => $self->{'db'}->{'password'},
options => $options,
namespace => 'WWW::Myspace::Data',
relationships => 1,
options => { AutoCommit => 1 },
inflect => { child => 'children' },
additional_classes => qw/Class::DBI::AbstractSearch/,
This occurs with a valid database named "friends", dsn set to "dbi:mysql:friends", username
and password verified correct, and "mysql.txt" commands run without error to create the