Subject: | "Client Machine" returned in title, won't find window. |
I just installed X11::WMCtrl and the newest version of wmctrl ( 1.07 ).
I did a simple test iterating over the windows returned by get_windows
and it wasn't behaving correctly. No matter what operation I tried, it
was effecting the current window only (the terminal the script was
running from).
Then it dawned on me after reading the docs for wmctrl. The titles of
all the windows being returned have the value of the "Client_Machine "
prefixed to them, so it's not finding them. Removing this from the
window title fixes it. I have no idea what prior versions this may be
relevant to as it's my first install for both.
I took a peek through the changelog for wmctrl and didn't see it noted.
My version info
perl 5.8.8
wmctrl is 1.07
X11::WMCtrl 0.01
Ubuntu Linux 2.6.20