Subject: | Differences in what HTML::Template and HTC accepts as param-name |
HTML::Template::Compiled is more strict in what is accepts as PARAM_NAME
than HTML::Template is.
Is seems that the equal sign is not permitted.
We use PARAMS of the form '<param>==<value>' set in the perl-code as a
poor mans substitute for expressions - not too nice but it works.
Seee the following:
[henrik@clover henrik]$ perl -MHTML::Template -MHTML::Template::Compiled
-de 1
Loading DB routines from version 1.28
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main::(-e:1): 1
DB<1> $t=HTML::Template::Compiled->new(filename=>'test.tmpl');
HTML::Template::Compiled::Parser : Syntax error in <TMPL_*> tag at
test.tmpl :1 near 'test==2...'
DB<2> $t=HTML::Template->new(filename=>'test.tmpl');
DB<3> q
[henrik@clover henrik]$ cat test.tmpl
<TMPL_VAR name="test==2">
[henrik@clover henrik]$