Subject: | URL to filename munging results in unsupportedly long file names |
Filesystems impose a maximum length of filenames and/or paths. The
following URL to file name munging code of can break on long
URLs. This is around line 720 in as of PAR 0.973.
# Munge URL into local file name
# FIXME: This might result in unbelievably long file names!
# I have run into the file/path length limitations of linux
# with similar code in PAR::Repository::Client.
# I suspect this is even worse on Win32.
# -- Steffen
my $file = $par;
if (!%escapes) {
$escapes{chr($_)} = sprintf("%%%02X", $_) for 0..255;
use bytes;
$file =~ s/([^\w\.])/$escapes{$1}/g;
$file = File::Spec->catfile( $ENV{PAR_CACHE}, $file);
LWP::Simple::mirror( $par, $file );
return unless -e $file and -f _;
$par = $file;