package IO::CSVHeaderFile;
# $Id:,v 1.2 2007/07/06 08:44:46 vasek Exp $
use strict;
use Text::CSV_XS;
use IO::File;
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT $VERSION);
use Exporter;
use Carp;
@ISA = qw(IO::File Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(
$VERSION = '0.04';
sub open {
my $self = shift;
my $args = {}; $args = pop @_ if ref($_[$#_]) eq 'HASH';
my %xs_args = ( 'eol' => "\n", map {exists $SUPPORTED_XS_ARGS->{$_} ? ($_ => $args->{$_}):()} keys %$args);
my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new(\%xs_args);
my $mode;
if(@_ > 1){
croak 'usage: $fh->open(FILENAME [ ,< > >> ][,CSVOPT])' if $_[2] =~ /^\d+$/;
$mode = IO::Handle::_open_mode_string($_[1]);
$mode = $_[0];
$mode =~ s/^(\+?<|>>?)(.*)$/$1/
or croak 'usage: $fh->open(FILENAME [,< > >> ][,CSVOPT])';
my ($fh, $firstline);
if($mode =~ /^<$/){
$fh = $self->SUPER::open( @_ ) or return;
unless( $firstline = $self->getline ){
$csv->parse($firstline) and $args->{col} = [ $csv->fields ]
unless $args->{col};
unless(${*$self}{io_csvheaderfile_cols} = $args->{col}){
croak "IO::CSVHeaderFile: Can't find the column names in '$_[0]'";
}elsif( $mode =~ /^>>?$/){
unless(${*$self}{io_csvheaderfile_cols} = $args->{col}){
croak "IO::CSVHeaderFile: Can't find the column names in '$_[0]'";
$fh = $self->SUPER::open( @_ ) or return;
$csv->print($self, $args->{col})
unless $mode =~ /^>>$/ or $args->{noheader};
croak "IO::CSVHeaderFile: Invalid mode '$mode'";
${*$self}{io_csvheaderfile_csv} = $csv;
sub csv_read{
my $self = shift;
my $line = $self->getline() or return;
my @result = ();
if( ${*$self}{io_csvheaderfile_csv}->parse($line) ){
my @cols = ${*$self}{io_csvheaderfile_csv}->fields;
my $colnames = ${*$self}{io_csvheaderfile_cols};
my $avail_cols = (@cols > @$colnames)? @$colnames : @cols;
for(my $i = 0; $i < $avail_cols; $i++){
push @result, $colnames->[$i] => $cols[$i];
wantarray? @result : { @result }
sub csv_print{
my $self = shift;
return undef unless @_;
my $rec = $_[0];
my @columns = ();
my $colnames = ${*$self}{io_csvheaderfile_cols};
unless( ref $rec ){
my %map = ();
for(my $i = 0; $i < @$colnames; $i++){
$map{$colnames->[$i]} = [] unless exists $map{$colnames->[$i]};
push @{$map{$colnames->[$i]}}, $i;
while ( my ($key, $value) = splice(@_, 0, 2) ) {
my $idx = $map{$key} or next;
$columns[$idx->[0]] = $value;
shift @$idx if @$idx > 1;
}elsif( ref ($rec) eq 'HASH' ){
push( @columns, $rec->{$_}) foreach (@$colnames);
}elsif( ref ($rec) eq 'ARRAY' ){
for( my $i = 0; $i < @$colnames; $i++){
push @columns, $rec->[$i];
sub _init_supported_xs_args {
return if defined $SUPPORTED_XS_ARGS;
my $tmpcsvxs = Text::CSV_XS->new();
{%$tmpcsvxs}: {map {$_ => undef} qw(eol sep_char allow_whitespace quote_char
allow_loose_quotes escape_char allow_loose_escapes binary types always_quote
# Below is stub documentation for your module. You better edit it!
=head1 NAME
IO::CSVHeaderFile - Perl extension for CSV Files
# to read ...
use IO::CSVHeaderFile;
my $csv = IO::CSVHeaderFile->new( "< $filename" );
while(my $hash = $csv->csv_read ){
print "$hash->{ColHeaderTitle}\n";
# or for same named columns
my $csv = IO::CSVHeaderFile->new( "< $filename" );
my $data;
while(@array = $csv->csv_read ){
for(my $i=0; $i< @array; $i++) {
print "Column '$array[$i]': $array[$i]\n";
print "-- end of record\n";
# to write ...
use IO::CSVHeaderFile;
my $csv = IO::CSVHeaderFile->new( "> $filename" ,
{col => ['ColHeaderTitle1','ColHeaderTitle2','ColHeaderTitle1'], noheaders => 1} );
$csv->csv_print({ColHeaderTitle1 => 'First', ColHeaderTitle2 => 'Second'}) or return;
$csv->csv_print(['Uno', 'Duo', 'Tre']) or return;
ColHeaderTitle1 => 'One',
ColHeaderTitle2 => 'Two',
ColHeaderTitle1 => 'Three with the same name as One'
) or return;
Read from and write to csv file.
=head2 EXPORT
None by default.
=over 4
=item csv_print RECORD | LIST
Store the C<RECORD> into file, C<RECORD> can be hash reference as
returned from C<csv_read> or an array ref with values ordered same
as respctive headers in file.
If LIST variant is used it can be a hash definition like a list in form
of headers and values, but the header names doesn't have to be unique. This
is usefull when creating a CSV file with several same named columns.
=item csv_read
Return the next record (hash reference in scalar context,
array of header names and values in list context) from the file.
Returns C<undef> if C<eof>.
=head1 AUTHOR
Vasek Balcar, E<lt>vasek@ti.czE<gt>
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<IO::File>, L<IO::Handle>, L<perl>.