CC: | tim.culmer [...] |
Subject: | Warnings occur when running under -w flag |
The following code generates "uninitialized value" warnings:
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use LineGraphDataset;
my $dataset = LineGraphDataset -> new(-name => 'Dataset 1', -yArray =>
The warnings are caused by testing the object variables to see if they
are defined.
Instead of writing: if($variable == undef)
This could be used: unless(defined($variable))
This problem is only picked up when running the class under the -w flag.
There is also an additional problem in the documentation (and in the
documentation of Tk::LineGraph) where -xData and -yData options are used
in an example, but the names of these options are actually -xArray and
-yArray in the code.
I have fixed both these issues in the attached version the
Tk::LineGraphDataset module.
Subject: | |
$Tk::LineGraphDataset::VERSION = '0.01';
package LineGraphDataset;
# This is a LineGraphDataset object.
# It can be graphed by LineGraph
$DataSetCount = 0;
sub new {
# create a new LineGraphDataset object
my($class, %args) = @_;
bless(\%args, $class);
my $self = \%args;
$self->{-index} = $DataSetCount++;
$self->{-active} = 1; # yes, active
$self->{-color} = "none" unless(defined($self->{-color}));
$self->{-y1} = 0 unless(defined($self->{-y1}));
$self->{-yAxis} = "Y" unless(defined($self->{-yAxis}));
die "Each LineGraphDataset requires a name.\n" unless(defined($self->{-name}));
die "Each LineGraphDataset requires a Y array of data points.\n" unless(defined($self->{-yArray}));
my @ya;
unless(defined($self->{-yArray})) {
foreach my $e (@{$self->{-yArray}}) {
push @ya, $e;
$self->{-yArray} = \@ya; # now the dataset owns the data
my @xa;
unless(defined($self->{-xArray})) {
foreach my $e (@{$self->{-xArray}}) {
push @xa, $e;
$self->{-yArray} = \@xa; # now the dataset owns the data
sub get {
# get any attribute
my($self,$attr) = @_;
sub set {
# set/defind an attribute
# -att => value is the format
# print "args for set @_ \n";
my($self, %att) = @_;
foreach my $k (keys(%att) ) {
$self->{$k} = $att{$k};
foreach my $k (keys(%$self) ) {
# print "LineGraphDataset hash <$k> <$self->{$k}> \n";
=head1 NAME
LinePlotDataset - An Object into which to store data to be plotted by the LineGraph widget.
LinePlotDataset is an object into which data and meta data can be stored.
This object can be plotted by the LineGraph widget.
new(-yArray => Y data array
-name => dataset name,
-yAxis => "Y|Y1",
-color => line Color,
-xArray => X data array);
The Y array data and the dataset name are required. Other parameters are optional.
The yAxis defaults to the Y (left hand) axis. The color for the graph of the dataset defaults
to one the plot default colors. The X array data defaults to the integers (0 .. size of yArray).
The Dataset objects copies the data arrays.
=head1 EXAMPLE
use Tk;
use Tk::LineGraph;
use Tk::LineGraphDataset;
my $mw = MainWindow->new;
my $cp = $mw->LineGraph(-width=>500, -height=>500, -background => snow)->grid;
my @yArray = (1..5,11..18,22..23,99..300,333..555,0,0,0,0,600,600,600,600,599,599,599);
my $ds = LineGraphDataset->new(-yArray=>\@yArray,-name=>"setOne");
=head1 METHODS
=item B<get(option);>
Returns the current value of the option. Options are listed in the constructor.
=item B<set(option , value);>
Sets the option to value. Options are listed in the constructor.
=head1 AUTHOR
Tom Clifford (
Copyright (C) Tom Clifford. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Graph 2D Axis Graph Dataset