I'm trying to run XML::LibXML 1.63 on a Debian system with libxml2
2.6.29. Unfortunately I get two failing tests in t/03doc.t:
t/03doc.......................# Test 78 got: "" (t/03doc.t at line 209)
# Expected: <UNDEF>
# t/03doc.t line 209 is: ok( $pi->textContent, undef);
# Test 79 got: "" (t/03doc.t at line 210)
# Expected: <UNDEF>
# t/03doc.t line 210 is: ok( $pi->getData, undef);
t/03doc.......................FAILED tests 78-79
The failing code creates a processing instruction node and checks if the
textContent is undef initially. Unfortunately it isn't as the call to
->textContent() basically boils down to xmlXPathCastNodeToString(),
which will, if the nodes content is NULL currently, return a newly
allocated empty string.
See xpath.c from the libxml2 2.6.29 distribution:
xmlChar *
xmlXPathCastNodeToString (xmlNodePtr node) {
xmlChar *ret;
if ((ret = xmlNodeGetContent(node)) == NULL)
ret = xmlStrdup((const xmlChar *) "");
Although I couldn't find anything in the changelogs I checked out some
libxml2 releases and found out that this behavior has been introduced
with version 2.6.29.
Previous versions of libxml2 defined this function like that:
xmlChar *
xmlXPathCastNodeToString (xmlNodePtr node) {
That way you'd get NULL back C2Sv would convert that to &PL_sv_undef.
I'm not too sure what the right fix would be. Make the tests check for
either "" or undef based on the version of libxml2 they're linked
against? Have the string_value function handle NULL specially (replace
it by an empty string) to make the new behavior of 2.6.29 available for
older versions of libxml2 as well?
What do you think?