On Fri Jun 15 09:59:58 2007, tim@timkeefer.com wrote:
Show quoted text> However, Gantry does have some tests for Apache2::Request. If mod_perl2 is
> detected on your box then the mod_perl2 tests will run which includes and
> specific test for Apache2::Request. If Apache2::Request doesn't exist then
> it will fail with some libapreq2 install instructions.
> If you know of a better way to handle this, I'm all ears.
Easy. Once you detect that mod_perl2 is available, then test for the
existence of Apache2::Request:
eval "use Apache2::Request";
if($@) { # Oops that didn't work!
plan skip_all => "Need Apache2::Request to use mod_perl2";
It is ugly to have these tests fail because an optional module is
assumed to exist merely because something else does. This also makes it
very difficult to compile Gantry into a Debian package.
All the best,