Subject: | Globally breaks all other file globbing |
I suggest moving the File::Maker module below the Acme:: namespace.
Globally hijacking the file globbing syntax does way too strong
interfere with other modules.
See my attached example which uses another modules sub to get a file
list. The calling code can't know that a use'd module uses the globbing
operator and the used module can't know that the operator ist hijacked.
I know that this bug is probably not fixable, which is a pity because
the provided syntax is very nice.
Therefore I want it to survive, but in another namespace: Acme.
Steffen Schwigon <>
Dresden Perl Mongers <>
Deutscher Perl-Workshop <>
Subject: | |
use lib ".";
use MyFileList;
#use List::Maker;
print <foo bar - example>, "\n";
# soll Liste aller *.pl Files auflisten, also z.B. sich selbst
# (""). Geht nicht mehr, sobald oben List::Maker
# ge'use'd wird.
print MyFileList::file_list(), "\n";
Subject: | |
package MyFileList;
sub file_list {
return <*.pl>;