On Mon Apr 30 03:12:30 2007, andreas.koenig.7os6VVqR@franz.ak.mind.de wrote:
Show quoted text> It's not getting better. Now the Makefile.PL lets me know
> Checking if your kit is complete...
> Looks good
> Writing Makefile for XML::Comma
> missing one or more dependencies, not running comma-create-config.pl
> After that it asks me no questions, so does not configure my database
> and goes on to make and test and of course fails the database tests.
> When I look into the Makefile I find there the prereqs:
> Compress::Zlib Crypt::Blowfish PAR Storable Lingua::Stem
> String::CRC Inline Test::More Crypt::CBC Class::ClassDecorator
> Digest::HMAC_MD5 Math::BaseCalc DBD::mysql DBI
> All of them are installed on my system and at the current version.
My apologies - I committed and uploaded the wrong tarball, which had a
typo in it. I just verified that Makefile.PL as committed to CPAN and
svn *now* works properly on clean and existing mysql installs, as well
as existing Pg installs:
BTW, The reason for the double-checking of dependencies is so that we
can avoid asking the user all sorts of configuration questions if we
know they don't have a dependency they need. You're right that this
would be better handled in a makefile step, but it's too close to 2.0 to
rejigger our (as you can see!) fragile installation system.
Here's the patch:
Show quoted text> Out of curiosity I stepped into the Makefile.PL with the debugger and
> found
> main::(Makefile.PL:103): warn "missing one or
> more dependencies, not running comma-create-config.pl\n";
> DB<3> x $pm
> 0 'Compress::Zlib.pm'
> Outch. Did you ever run your Makefile.PL yourself?
Yes, but the wrong version :) Sorry for that.
Also, just FYI, I am still learning how CPAN works, but I see you
maintain it. Is there a way to simulate cpan installation of a tarball,
so it would attempt to auto-resolve, build, and fetch dependencies and
all that? It would help me avoid some of this testing-thru-CPAN stuff I
am doing at the moment (to your chagrin!) since I have the luxury of
knowing anyone who's likely to install comma, and comma never used to
install right out of CPAN anyway (but of course I'd like to change both
of those facts!)
Thanks again!