Subject: | Test suite fails if length($USERNAME) is <= 4 characters |
The first test for Crypt::Cracklib 1.1 fails if the length of the
current username is 4 characters long or less. If this is the case,
cracklib returns a different error message from the /username/ one,
typically 'it is too short'.
This affects Debian users who are building packages using dh-make-perl
and the standard Debian fakeroot tool, which causes scalar(getpwuid $<)
to return "root" (amongst other things). It also affects users who are
running tests as root, and those whose ordinary account usernames are <=
4 characters long.
I've attached a patch which deals with the problem and makes for a clean
build under affected systems.
Hope that all makes sense.
Subject: | crypt-cracklib-1.1-username-length.diff |
diff -rU2 Crypt-Cracklib-1.1-ORIG/t/01use.t Crypt-Cracklib-1.1/t/01use.t
--- Crypt-Cracklib-1.1-ORIG/t/01use.t 2007-01-03 23:35:18.000000000 +0000
+++ Crypt-Cracklib-1.1/t/01use.t 2007-04-24 10:01:57.000000000 +0100
@@ -3,5 +3,10 @@
BEGIN { use_ok( 'Crypt::Cracklib' ); }
-like(fascist_check(getpwuid($<).'1'), qr/username/, "username");
+SKIP: {
+ $username = getpwuid($<);
+ skip "won't work unless username is longer", 1
+ unless length($username) > 4;
+ like(fascist_check($username.'1'), qr/username/, "username");
# it's WAY too short