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This queue is for tickets about the AI-Pathfinding-AStar CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 26458
Status: resolved
Priority: 0/
Queue: AI-Pathfinding-AStar

Owner: Nobody in particular
Requestors: polettix [...]

Bug Information
Severity: Important
Broken in: 0.07
Fixed in: (no value)

Subject: Non-optimality bug
Hi, the current implementation has a bug that leads to non-optimality of paths in certain conditions. In particular, the exit condition is too eager: A* exits when the target node is extracted from the priority queue, not when it enters it. So, in the following condition: A --10-- B --10-- C | | +------140--------+ going from A to C should select the path through B (total cost = 20), but it selects the direct path (total cost = 140). The attached test is a (reduced) copy of the original test file in which the diagonal cost has been increased to 140. You have: A = 2.3 B = either 2.4 or 1.3 C = 1.4 Regards, Flavio.
Subject: 02_countertest.t
# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with # `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl # Games-Sequential.t' ######################### package AI::Pathfinding::AStar::Test; use Test::More tests => 13; BEGIN { use base AI::Pathfinding::AStar; }; ######################### # Insert your test code below, the Test::More module is use()ed here so read # its man page ( perldoc Test::More ) for help writing this test script. #initialize a basic map #This example module represents the following map: # # . . . . . . . # . . . | . . . # . @ . | . * . # . . . | . . . # . . . . . . . # #Where . represents open squares and | represents walls. The @ represents our #starting square and the * the target square. This module assumes that #orthogonal moves cost 10 points and diagonal moves cost 15. The heuristic #used is Manhattan, which simply counts the orthogonal distance between any 2 #squares whilst disregarding any barriers. sub new { my $invocant = shift; my $class = ref($invocant) || $invocant; my $self = bless {}, $class; $self->{map} = {}; for(my $x=1; $x<=7; $x++) { for(my $y=1; $y<=5; $y++) {$self->{map}->{$x.'.'.$y} = 1;} } $self->{map}->{'4.2'} = 0; $self->{map}->{'4.3'} = 0; $self->{map}->{'4.4'} = 0; return $self; } #some support routines #get orthoganal neighbours sub getOrth { my ($source) = @_; my @return = (); my ($x, $y) = split(/\./, $source); push @return, ($x+1).'.'.$y, ($x-1).'.'.$y, $x.'.'.($y+1), $x.'.'.($y-1); return @return; } #get diagonal neightbours sub getDiag { my ($source) = @_; my @return = (); my ($x, $y) = split(/\./, $source); push @return, ($x+1).'.'.($y+1), ($x+1).'.'.($y-1), ($x-1).'.'.($y+1), ($x-1).'.'.($y-1); return @return; } #calculate the Heuristic sub calcH { my ($source, $target) = @_; my ($x1, $y1) = split(/\./, $source); my ($x2, $y2) = split(/\./, $target); return (abs($x1-$x2) + abs($y1-$y2)); } #the routine required by AI::Pathfinding::AStar sub getSurrounding { my ($self, $source, $target) = @_; my %map = %{$self->{map}}; my ($src_x, $src_y) = split(/\./, $source); my $surrounding = []; #orthogonal moves cost 10, diagonal cost 140 foreach my $node (getOrth($source)) { if ( (exists $map{$node}) && ($map{$node}) ) {push @$surrounding, [$node, 10, calcH($node, $target)];} } foreach my $node (getDiag($source)) { if ( (exists $map{$node}) && ($map{$node}) ) {push @$surrounding, [$node, 140, calcH($node, $target)];} } return $surrounding; } my $g; ok($g = AI::Pathfinding::AStar::Test->new(), 'new()'); isa_ok($g, AI::Pathfinding::AStar, 'isa'); can_ok($g, qw/getSurrounding findPath findPathIncr doAStar fillPath/, 'can'); my $path = $g->findPath('2.3', '1.4'); is(@$path, 3, "check path length"); is($path->[0], '2.3', "check path 0"); is($path->[2], '1.4', "check path 2");
Bug now fixed in v0.08. Sorry for the delay and thanks for the report!