Mike Schilli via RT wrote:
http://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=26310 >
On Mon, 16 Apr 2007, Lee Goddard via RT wrote:
log4perl.appender.Logfile.layout.ConversionPattern =
%X{ip} | %-55m | %F{3} %M %L%n
Interesting. The formatter "%-55m" prints strings like "abc" as "abc
[51 spaces]". Not sure I understand why you want to do that, but it's
a free country :).
Well...I'm in the UK... ;-)
Spending all day, everyday looking a log output has led me to conclude
that nicely ordered columns are a good thing, so I've a column of
request IDs, then messages, then callers. I'm sure I come up with a
better system every month.
If you have a newline in there, however, perl will complain
about it, because it makes little sense to format a multi-line
string this way. How would you like a multi-line string (say:
"a\nb\nc") to be formatted?
By the way, with the next Log4perl release, there'a going to be a
multiline layout, which will split message strings like "a\nb\nc" into
subsequent renderings like
2007/04/16 22:45:09 a
2007/04/16 22:45:09 b
2007/04/16 22:45:09 c
if you have a layout like "%d %m%n". Would that be of any help?
I would be a great help! I was thinking, maybe, though, it might be an
option to have output like this:
2007/04/16 22:45:09 a
A bit easier on the eye, but not something i'd argue about :-)
Many thanks for your quick attention, much appreciated, as is all the
work on Log4Perl.