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This queue is for tickets about the Win32-IE-Mechanize CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 25523
Status: new
Priority: 0/
Queue: Win32-IE-Mechanize

Owner: Nobody in particular
Requestors: KWittrock [...]

Bug Information
Severity: (no value)
Broken in: (no value)
Fixed in: (no value)

Subject: Some corrections to Win32::IE::Mechanize
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2007 20:07:51 +0100
To: <bug-Win32-IE-Mechanize [...]>
From: "K. Wittrock" <KWittrock [...]>
Hello, I found some corrections to Win32::IE::Mechanize (version 0.009) which I want to communicate. BEGIN block: When Time::HiRes isn't installed, the wait loop in sub _wait_while_busy doesn't sleep. This freezes your screen during page fetches. It would be preferable to use a 1 second sleep in this case, thus waisting 0.5 seconds per page fetch on average. Suggested correction: replace $@ or $SLEEP = 0.055 by $SLEEP = $@ ? 1 : 0.055 in the BEGIN block and $SLEEP and sleep( $SLEEP ) by sleep( $SLEEP ) in sub _wait_while_busy. sub _wait_while_busy: At present the sub returns when ReadyState is 3, which is by far too early. Suggested correction: replace while ( $agent->{ReadyState} <= $READYSTATE ) by while ( $agent->{ReadyState} != 4 ) By the way the wait loop cannot be controlled by while ( $agent->{Busy} == 1 ). My tests show that Busy sometimes switches back from 0 to 1 during a page fetch. sub _wait_while_busy: Sometimes ReadyState is 4 from the beginning, thus the call $self->_wait_while_busy is essentially a no-op. It takes about 80 loop cycles until ReadyState switches from 4 to 3, and then 100 cycles to switch back to 4. On the other hand, Busy is 1 from the beginning. I observed this when I submitted a login page. Maybe this occurs while the server is verifying my password. Suggested correction: add while ( $agent->{ReadyState} == 4 and $agent->{Busy} ) { sleep( $SLEEP ); } near the beginning. sub find_frame: When a subroutine "falls through", it returns the value of the last evaluated expression. In sub find_frame it's not obvious what this might be (actually it's an empty string, I don't know why). Suggestion: for clarity, just add return; # indicate no success at the end. sub get: When it is called with no url (e.g. because load_frame didn't find the requested frame), sub get shouldn't navigate to the current page and report 'Ok'. Suggested correction: add return unless $url; # indicate no success near the beginning. sub click_button: Clicking by number doesn't work. Suggested correction: replace @buttons <= $args{number} and return by @buttons < $args{number} and return; ('<' instead of '<=', and ';' at the end). Note: sub submit in Win32::IE::Form should call _wait_while_busy too. Note: sub success is a mess. It always returns true, even when you are not connected to the Internet and IE displays its "Server not found" page. I will attach my sub sub dump_page, which might be of general interest. It helps me a lot finding the next navigation step without investigating the HTML code of the current page. Please feel free to contact me if I can be of any further help. Kind regards Klaus Wittrock
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