Subject: | Missing dependency: POE::Client::HTTP |
Just tried to install POE::Component::Client::MSN using, and it
Can't locate POE/Component/Client/ in @INC
# Failed test 'use POE::Component::Client::MSN;'
# at t/00_compile.t line 4.
# Tried to use 'POE::Component::Client::MSN'.
# Error: could not import qw(Component::Client::HTTP) at
line 15
Installing POE::Component::Client::HTTP solved the issue.
Obviously the fix is to add P::C::C::HTTP to PREREQ_PM.
You've probably already received mail on this issue from other testers,
but as there's no ticket for this in RT I've raised this one.
I note from CPAN test report 194041 that Mail::Internet should also be
Is P::C::C::HTTP still maintained?