I have an update. Most of the fixes are corrections to regexps to make
them cope with Win32 paths (\) as well as UNIX paths (/):
line 211 The regexp should read |demos?)[\/\\]\w/
line 95 Check regexp. Should it be /[\/\\]/ ??
line 47 The regexp should read {/^[^\/\\]+\.pm$/
line 82 The regexp should read m|^lib[/\\](.*)\.pm$|
line 84 The regexp should read s|[/\\]|::|g
line 107 The regexp should read s|^[a-z]+[/\\]||
line 111 The regexp should read s|[/\\]|::|g
Using a variable containing a path in a regexp doesn't work on Windows
without quoting all the \'s in the variable by doubling them:
like($a->testfile,qr/$td/,"testdir in testfile");
my $reTd = $td;
$reTd =~ s#\\#\\\\#g; # Double the backslashes to prevent them being
interpreted as quoting the following character
like($a->testfile,qr/$reTd/,"testdir in testfile");
Finally, I still get one test failing, but I can't work out why without
some help.
t\calc......................NOK 14
# Failed test 'some kwalitee points'
# in t\calc.t at line 30.
# got: '21'
# expected: '22'
# $VAR1 = {
# 'has_test_pod' => 1,
# 'extracts_nicely' => 1,
# 'metayml_conforms_spec_1_0' => 0,
# 'has_buildtool' => 1,
# 'has_tests' => 1,
# 'has_readme' => 1,
# 'manifest_matches_dist' => 0,
# 'has_example' => 1,
# 'has_manifest' => 1,
# 'has_test_pod_coverage' => 1,
# 'no_symlinks' => 1,
# 'has_version' => 1,
# 'has_working_buildtool' => 1,
# 'metayml_conforms_spec_1_2' => 0,
# 'buildtool_not_executable' => 1,
# 'extractable' => 1,
# 'has_humanreadable_license' => 0,
# 'metayml_is_parsable' => 1,
# 'metayml_has_license' => 0,
# 'proper_libs' => 1,
# 'has_changelog' => 1,
# 'has_meta_yml' => 1,
# 'no_pod_errors' => 1,
# 'use_strict' => 1,
# 'kwalitee' => 21,
# 'no_cpants_errors' => 1,
# 'is_prereq' => 0,
# 'has_proper_version' => 1
# };
What kwalitee points am I missing????