Subject: | L4p::Util::module_available() breaks @INC hook functionality |
if(ref $dir eq "CODE") {
return 1 if $dir->($dir, $relpath);
One should not call @INC subrefs directly without evaluating the code in
the filehandle on their return value.
If the @INC hook sets a %INC entry ($INC{$relpath}), any subsequent
requires will not attempt to load the module.
Calling Log::Log4perl::module_available("Sys::Hostname") then behaves as
if you had done:
$INC{"Sys/"} = 1;
require Sys::Hostname;
That is, require will not try to load the module.
Reimplementing require is way too complicated, and this version is
incomplete. Please just use eval {require} to decide whether the module
is available.
Subject: | |
use warnings;
use strict;
my $s_hn = `$^X -e 'require Sys::Hostname; print \$INC{"Sys/"};'`;
$s_hn or die "just hardcode that for me then";
#warn "$s_hn";
unshift(@INC, sub {
my ($s, $mod) = @_;
# demo purposes only
($mod =~ m#Sys/ or return;
open(my $fh, '<', $s_hn) or die;
$INC{'Sys/'} = $s_hn;
@ARGV and require Sys::Hostname; # let require do it right
use Log::Log4perl;
# vim:ts=2:sw=2:et:sta
Subject: | log4perl_require_fix.patch |
--- Log-Log4perl-1.08/lib/Log/Log4perl/ 2006-02-28 20:01:45.000000000 -0800
+++ Log-Log4perl-1.08-fix/lib/Log/Log4perl/ 2007-01-28 22:56:20.000000000 -0800
@@ -8,38 +8,16 @@
# This has to be here, otherwise the following 'use'
# statements will fail.
- my($full_name) = @_;
+ my($mod_name) = @_;
- my $relpath = File::Spec->catfile(split /::/, $full_name) . '.pm';
+ my $mod_path =
+ join('/', (split /::/, $mod_name)) . '.pm';
- # Work around a bug in Activestate's "perlapp", which uses
- # forward slashes instead of Win32 ones.
- my $relpath_with_forward_slashes =
- join('/', (split /::/, $full_name)) . '.pm';
- return 1 if exists $INC{$relpath} or
- exists $INC{$relpath_with_forward_slashes};
- foreach my $dir (@INC) {
- if(ref $dir) {
- # This is fairly obscure 'require'-functionality, nevertheless
- # trying to implement them as diligently as possible. For
- # details, check "perldoc -f require".
- if(ref $dir eq "CODE") {
- return 1 if $dir->($dir, $relpath);
- } elsif(ref $dir eq "ARRAY") {
- return 1 if $dir->[0]->($dir, $relpath);
- } elsif(ref $dir and
- ref $dir !~ /^(GLOB|SCALAR|HASH|REF|LVALUE)$/) {
- return 1 if $dir->INC();
- }
- } else {
- # That's the regular case
- return 1 if -r File::Spec->catfile($dir, $relpath);
- }
- }
- return 0;
+ eval {
+ local $SIG{__DIE__}; # in case they don't know about $^S
+ require($mod_path);
+ };
+ return($@ ? 0 : 1);