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This queue is for tickets about the WWW-TV CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 24818
Status: resolved
Worked: 15 min
Priority: 0/
Queue: WWW-TV

Owner: tigris [...]
Requestors: stennie [...]

Bug Information
Severity: (no value)
Broken in: 0.04
Fixed in: (no value)

Subject: Failing test cases due to new content/layout on
Due to changes in html/content, there are two test failures in t/20_series: t/20_series.....ok 6/0 # Failed test 'summary' # at t/20_series.t line 21. t/20_series.....NOK 7/0 # Failed test 'cast' # at t/20_series.t line 22. t/20_series.....ok 19/0# Looks like you failed 2 tests of 19. t/20_series.....dubious Fixes are: - change text in $series->summary test case - update regex in $series->cast() Diff and updated files attached. Cheers, Stephen
Subject: www-tv.diff
--- WWW-TV-0.04.dist/lib/WWW/TV/ 2006-08-12 11:15:32.000000000 +1000 +++ WWW-TV-0.04/lib/WWW/TV/ 2007-02-06 23:41:57.000000000 +1100 @@ -169,8 +169,7 @@ my @cast; for my $line (split /\n/, $self->_html) { next unless $line =~ m{ - <a\shref="http://www\.tv\.com/.*?person/\d+/summary\.html - \?tag=cast;name;\d+">(.*?)</a><br\s/> + <a .*?href="http://www\.tv\.com/.*?person/\d+/summary\.html\?.*?tag=cast;name;\d+">(.*?)</a> }x; push @cast, $1; } --- WWW-TV-0.04.dist/t/20_series.t 2006-08-03 03:31:00.000000000 +1000 +++ WWW-TV-0.04/t/20_series.t 2007-02-06 23:46:16.000000000 +1100 @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ my $series = WWW::TV::Series->new(name => 'Prison Break'), 'WWW::TV::Series', ); - ok($series->summary =~ /death row/, 'summary'); + ok($series->summary =~ /Fox River/, 'summary'); ok($series->cast =~ /Wentworth Miller/, 'cast'); ok($series->image =~ /\.jpg$/, 'image'); }
File attachments .. updates to WWW::TV 0.04 as reflected in the diff: lib/WWW/TV/ t/20_series.t Cheers, Stephen
=head1 NAME WWW::TV::Series - Parse for TV Series information. =head1 SYNOPSIS use WWW::TV::Series qw(); my $series = WWW::TV::Series->new(name => 'Prison Break'); my @episodes = $series->episodes; print $series->summary; =head1 DESCRIPTION The L<WWW::TV::Series> module parses series information using L<LWP::UserAgent>. =head1 METHODS =cut package WWW::TV::Series; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = '0.04'; use Carp qw(croak); use LWP::UserAgent qw(); =head2 new The new() method is the constructor. It takes the id of the show if you have previously looked that up, or the name of the show which will be used to perform a search and the id will be taken from the first result. my $series = WWW::TV::Series->new(name => 'Prison Break'); my $series = WWW::TV::Series->new(id => 31635); It is recommended that you lookup the show first and use the ID, otherwise you just don't know what will be returned. The constructor also takes a single scalar as an argument and does it's best to figure out what you want. But due to some shows being all digits as a name (e.g. "24"), use of this is not recommended (and in future may be deprecated). =cut sub new { my $class = ref $_[0] ? ref(shift) : shift; my %data; if (@_ == 1) { # If they gave us a plain scalar argument, try our best to figure out # what it is. Of course this dies in the arse if you want to search # for a program with a name like '24'. if ($_[0] =~ /^\d+$/) { $data{id} = shift; } else { $data{name} = shift; } } elsif (scalar(@_) % 2 == 0) { %data = @_; } $data{id} = $class->_get_first_search_result($data{name}) if exists $data{name}; croak 'No id or name given to constructor' unless exists $data{id}; croak "Invalid id: $data{id}" unless $data{id} =~ /^\d+$/; return bless { id => $data{id}, filled => { id => 1 }, }, $class; } sub _get_first_search_result { my ($class, $name) = @_; my $rc = LWP::UserAgent->new->get( "$name" ); croak "Unable to get search results for $name" unless $rc->is_success; for (split /\n/, $rc->content) { next unless m# ^ \s+ <a\s.*?\shref="*?show/(\d+)/summary.html \?q=.*?&tag=search_results #x; return $1; } croak 'Unable to find a show in the search results.'; } =head2 summary Returns a string containing basic information about this series. =cut sub summary { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{summary} if exists $self->{filled}->{summary}; $self->{filled}->{summary} = 1; ($self->{summary}) = $self->_html =~ m{ <div\sclass="mt-10">\n (?: <a\sclass="default-image\smore"\shref=.*?>\n <img\ssrc=.*?\s/>More\sPictures\s*</a>\n )? (.*?)\n </div>\n }sx; return $self->{summary}; } =head2 genres Returns a string containing a comma delimited list of all the genres that have categorised this series as. my $genres = $series->genres; my @genres = split(/,/, $series->genres); =cut sub genres { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{genres} if exists $self->{filled}->{genres}; $self->{filled}->{genres} = 1; my ($genres_row) = $self->_html =~ m{ Show\sCategories:\n (<a\shref=.*</a>) }x; $self->{genres} = join( ', ', map { s/\s*<a href="[^"]+">(.*?)<\/a>\s*/$1/; $_ } split(/,/, $genres_row) ); return $self->{genres}; } =head2 cast A comma delimited string of the cast members. The order is the same as they appear on, which is most likely nothing to go by, but in most cases is the main cast order. =cut sub cast { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{cast} if exists $self->{filled}->{cast}; $self->{filled}->{cast} = 1; my @cast; for my $line (split /\n/, $self->_html) { next unless $line =~ m{ <a .*?href="http://www\.tv\.com/.*?person/\d+/summary\.html\?.*?tag=cast;name;\d+">(.*?)</a> }x; push @cast, $1; } $self->{cast} = join(', ', @cast); return $self->{cast}; } =head2 name Returns a string containing the name of the series. =cut sub name { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{name} if exists $self->{filled}->{name}; $self->{filled}->{name} = 1; ($self->{name}) = $self->_html =~ m{ <div\sid="content-head".*?>\n\n? <h1>(.*?)</h1>\n }x; return $self->{name}; } =head2 image Returns the url of an image that can be used to identify this series. =cut sub image { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{image} if exists $self->{filled}->{image}; $self->{filled}->{image} = 1; ($self->{image}) = $self->_html =~ m{ <a\sclass="default-image\smore"\shref=".+;image">\n <img\ssrc="(.+)"\salt=".+"\s/>More\sPictures\s+</a>\n }x; return $self->{image}; } =head2 episodes Returns an array of L<WWW::TV::Episode> objects in order. =cut sub episodes { my ($self) = @_; return @{$self->{episodes}} if $self->{filled}->{episodes}; $self->{filled}->{episodes} = 1; my $rc = LWP::UserAgent->new->get($self->episode_url); croak sprintf('Unable to fetch episodes for series %s', $self->id) unless $rc->is_success; require WWW::TV::Episode; my @episodes = grep { defined } map { my $ep; if (m#<a href=".*/episode/(\d+)/summary\.html[^"]*">(.*)</a>#) { $ep = WWW::TV::Episode->new(id => $1, name => $2); } $ep; } split /\n/, $rc->content; $self->{episodes} = \@episodes; return @episodes; } sub _html { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{html} if $self->{filled}->{html}; $self->{filled}->{html} = 1; my $rc = LWP::UserAgent->new->get($self->url); croak sprintf('Unable to fetch page for series %s', $self->id) unless $rc->is_success; $self->{html} = join( "\n", map { s/^\s*//; s/\s*$//; $_ } split /\n/, $rc->content ); return shift->{html}; } =head2 id The ID of this series, according to =cut sub id { return shift->{id}; } =head2 url Returns the url that was used to create this object. =cut sub url { return sprintf('', shift->id); } =head2 episode_url Returns the url that is used to get the episode listings for this series. =cut sub episode_url { return sprintf( '', shift->id ); } 1; __END__ =head1 SEE ALSO L<WWW::TV::Episode> =head1 KNOWN ISSUES There isn't yet any caching support. I don't see a need for it, but if you feel the need to implement it then don't let me stop you. There also isn't support for proxy servers yet. LWP should use it from your environment if you really need it, but who still uses them anyway? Isn't it all done transparently these days. =head1 BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<>, or through the web interface at L<>. =head1 AUTHOR Danial Pearce C<> =head1 LICENCE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2006, Danial Pearce C<>. All rights reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
#! /usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More qw(no_plan); use_ok('WWW::TV::Series'); { # MASH via id => isa_ok(my $series = WWW::TV::Series->new(id => 119), 'WWW::TV::Series'); is($series->name, 'M*A*S*H', 'name'); is($series->url, '', 'url'); is($series->genres, 'Comedy, Drama', 'genres'); } { # Prison Break via name => isa_ok( my $series = WWW::TV::Series->new(name => 'Prison Break'), 'WWW::TV::Series', ); ok($series->summary =~ /Fox River/, 'summary'); ok($series->cast =~ /Wentworth Miller/, 'cast'); ok($series->image =~ /\.jpg$/, 'image'); } { # Joey via id =>, and check episodes from both season 1 and 2 isa_ok(my $series = WWW::TV::Series->new(id => 20952), 'WWW::TV::Series'); is($series->name, 'Joey', 'name'); isa_ok( my $episode_1 = ($series->episodes)[1], # Skip pilot episode 'WWW::TV::Episode', ); is($episode_1->name, 'Joey and the Student', 'episode name'); is($episode_1->season_number, 1, 'episode season'); isa_ok( my $episode_27 = ($series->episodes)[26], # From season 2 'WWW::TV::Episode', ); is($episode_27->name, 'Joey and the Spanking', 'episode name'); is($episode_27->season_number, 2, 'episode season'); isa_ok($episode_27->series, 'WWW::TV::Series'); is($episode_27->series->name, 'Joey', 'episode series'); } exit 0;
Thanks Stephen. This is fixed as of 0.05. regards, Danial