On Tue Mar 24 06:00:45 2009, ROLAND wrote:
Show quoted text> Hi Clinton,
> the error "No time found" occurs either, when no suitable next execution
> time could be calculated (which has not yet been occured) or when the
> job queue is empty, which should not be the case when you have added at
> least one crontab entry (because there is always a 'next' date for a
> cron job).
I add all my jobs when i start the daemon, and never change the list, so
yes, I should never get this error. And the fact that it happens under
load makes me think that this is a timing issue: the "actual" time is
later than the time it thinks it is, so jobs that should have been
executed are skipped over ~~ something like that.
After much hunting, I've just found the other error I have seen
occasionally - just happens out of the blue, and causes the daemon to die:
Can't use an undefined value as an ARRAY reference at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Schedule/Cron.pm line 974.
Show quoted text>
> I will add appropriate error messages and I'm about to release a 0.97_01
> (followed by a 0.98 soon) and I also try to start some load testing to
> get to this error.
> If you like, you can consider upgrading with 0.98, which will be a drop
> in replacement for 0.97 with some bug fixes and an enhanced test suite.
great - i'll be happy to. also, if you'd like to have a look at the code
I've wrapped around your module, I'd be happy to show it to you.
thanks for getting back on the case :)
Show quoted text>
> ... roland