Subject: | cache_not_found problem |
When using cache_not_found param, i've got these errors:
Use of uninitialized value in length at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/
5.8.8/mach/Cache/ line 539.
Use of uninitialized value in subroutine entry at /usr/local/lib/perl5/
site_perl/5.8.8/mach/Cache/ line 542.
I'm using Cache::FastMmap for caching files and I want to cache
nonexistense of some files too.
If file not exists, callback function read_cb returned undef, and
problem is in this code:
# It's true because of I'm using cache_not_found
if (defined $Val || $Self->{cache_not_found}) {
# Are we doing writeback's? If so, need to mark as dirty in cache
my $write_back = $Self->{write_back};
# If not using raw values, use freeze() to turn data
$Val = freeze(\$Val) if !$Self->{raw_values};
# Get key/value len (we've got 'use bytes'), and do expunge check
# create space if needed
my $KVLen = length($_[1]) + length($Val);
Error in code: length($Val) because of $Val is undefined
You say about read_cb:
"Should return the value to use. This value will be saved in the cache
for future retrievals. Return undef if there is no value for the given
and I'm returning undef