use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 12;
my $fh = IO::File->new();
ok( $fh->open("< unix_lf.ldif"), "Openning the unix test file.");
my $ldif = Net::LDAP::LDIF->new( $fh );
my @contacts;
while( not $ldif->eof )
my $entry = $ldif->read_entry;
push @contacts, {
email => [($entry->get_value('mail'))],
name => [($entry->get_value('cn'))],
is( $#contacts, 7, "Checking to make sure we get the correct number of entries.");
my $fh = IO::File->new();
ok( $fh->open("< unix_lf.ldif"), "Openning the unix test file.");
binmode $fh, ":raw:eol(LF)";
my $ldif = Net::LDAP::LDIF->new( $fh );
my @contacts;
while( not $ldif->eof )
my $entry = $ldif->read_entry;
push @contacts, {
email => [($entry->get_value('mail'))],
name => [($entry->get_value('cn'))],
is( $#contacts, 7, "Checking to make sure we get the correct number of entries.");
my $fh = IO::File->new();
ok( $fh->open("< dos_lf.ldif"), "Openning the unix test file with the eol(LF) converted.");
binmode $fh, ":raw:eol(LF)";
my $ldif = Net::LDAP::LDIF->new( $fh );
my @contacts;
while( not $ldif->eof )
my $entry = $ldif->read_entry;
push @contacts, {
email => [($entry->get_value('mail'))],
name => [($entry->get_value('cn'))],
is( $#contacts, 7, "Checking to make sure we get the correct number of entries");
my $fh = IO::File->new();
ok( $fh->open("< dos_lf.ldif"), "Openning the dos test file, no preconversion attempted.");
my $ldif = Net::LDAP::LDIF->new( $fh );
my @contacts;
while( not $ldif->eof )
my $entry = $ldif->read_entry;
push @contacts, {
email => [($entry->get_value('mail'))],
name => [($entry->get_value('cn'))],
is( $#contacts, 7, "Checking to make sure we get the correct number of entries");