Subject: | Alien-wxWidgets fails to cache the libraries names in a x86_64 system |
During the process of packaging your module as an RPM for the Fedora
Extras project we discovered that it failed to store the libraries
needed to build Wx in a x86_64 system (the "_libraries" hash entry was
This happens because the script fails to look into /usr/lib64 for
libraries (RedHat/Fedora linux distros use this path for 64 bit libraries).
The following patch fixes the problem:
diff -ruN Alien-wxWidgets-0.21-orig/inc/My/Build/
--- Alien-wxWidgets-0.21-orig/inc/My/Build/
2006-08-27 16:21:49.000000000 +0100
+++ Alien-wxWidgets-0.21/inc/My/Build/ 2006-10-01
02:27:40.000000000 +0100
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
my @paths = ( ( map { s/^-L//; $_ } grep { /^-L/ } split ' ', $libs ),
- qw(/usr/local/lib /usr/lib) );
+ qw(/usr/local/lib /usr/lib /usr/lib64) );
foreach ( split /\s+/, $libs ) {
m{^-[lL]|/} && do { $config{link_libraries} .= " $_"; next; };
Best regards,
PS - the current perl-Alien-wxWidgets rpm (perl-Alien-wxWidgets-0.21-3)
in Fedora Extras includes the above patch.
PS2 - A build log can be found in this bugzilla ticket
(see comment #7)