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This queue is for tickets about the Bio-Phylo CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 21736
Status: resolved
Priority: 0/
Queue: Bio-Phylo

Owner: Nobody in particular
Requestors: easmith [...]

Bug Information
Severity: (no value)
Broken in: (no value)
Fixed in: (no value)

Subject: New version of Bio::Phylo unsustainably increases memory usage
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 23:19:28 -0400
To: bug-bio-phylo [...]
From: Allen Smith <easmith [...]>
$Id: 2196 2006-09-07 21:35:47Z rvosa $ I tried upgrading to the latest CPAN version of Bio::Phylo, 0.15, from 0.12, and found that the result of the following code was now a massive increase in memory usage - we're talking a difference from 10-20MB to close to a gig by the time I stopped the program, and that was when it wasn't finished yet. Note that I have a total of 291 trees. I'm suspecting part of the problem may be that Bio::Phylo may be caching too much, or that it may be assuming that all trees in usage by one program will be together in a "forest" - the latter would not make sense for my usage. I'm reverting to an earlier version (0.12). (The change from newick to fastnewick to newick, and now back again to fastnewick with the reversion to an earlier version, is going to also introduce some incompatibilities, which are highly unfortunate; please do not do such name changes in the future (keep calling it fastnewick, making a copy of it as newick if need be).) foreach $tree (sort {($num_terminals{$a} <=> $num_terminals{$b}) || ($a cmp $b)} (keys %overall_group_species_seen)) { foreach $group (sort {(scalar(keys %{ $overall_group_species_seen{$tree}{$a} }) <=> scalar(keys %{ $overall_group_species_seen{$tree}{$b} })) || ($a cmp $b)} (keys %{ $overall_group_species_seen{$tree} })) { my(@nodes) = (); foreach $node (@{ $treebase_trees{$tree}->get_terminals }) { if (defined($node->get_name) && exists($overall_group_species_seen{$tree}{$group}{$node->get_name})) { push @nodes, $node; } } unless (scalar(@nodes) > 1) { if (scalar(@nodes)) { warn "$tree $group: Have only 1 node (" . join(" ",sort(map {$_->get_name} (@nodes))) . ")\n"; } else { warn "$tree $group: No nodes!\n"; } $problem = 1; next; } #my $mrca = my_get_mrca($tree,@nodes); my $mrca = $treebase_trees{$tree}->get_mrca(\@nodes); unless (defined($mrca)) { warn "$tree $group: No defined MRCA for " . join(" ",sort(keys %{ $overall_group_species_seen{$tree}{$group} })) . "\n"; $problem = 1; next; } my(@descendants) = grep {defined($_->get_name) && length($_->get_name)} (@{ $mrca->get_descendants }); if (scalar(@descendants) > scalar(@nodes)) { foreach $species (keys %{ $overall_group_species_seen{$tree}{$group} }) { $species_seen_outside_group{$group}{$species} = 1; } } } } warn "Have " . scalar(keys %species_seen_outside_group) . " normal groups with species seen outside group\n"; -- Allen Smith February 1, 2003 Space Shuttle Columbia Ad Astra Per Aspera To The Stars Through Asperity
Caching has been abandoned in v.0.16 (for which a release candidate will appear on CPAN this week). This should correct the memory leaks. I now consider this issue resolved. Best wishes, Rutger Vos