Subject: | Operation "eq": no method found |
Perl: 5.8.8 (s. path in error-message)
OS: SuSE 10.1
Installation of ConvTools worked fine after installing
- File-NCopy-0.34.tar.gz
- String-ShellQuote-1.03.tar.gz
Invoking audioconv ended with error:
$ audioconv -i ogg -o mp3 Goodbye.ogg
audioconv 0.06 - Conversion beteen misc audio file formats
Copyright (C) 2006 Michael Hooreman <mhooreman_AT_skynet_DOT_be>
Licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence
2006-09-14 21:54:23: INFO: Beginnning of the conversions
2006-09-14 21:54:23: INFO: Converting Goodbye.ogg
Operation "eq": no method found,
left argument in overloaded package File::Temp,
right argument has no overloaded magic at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/String/ line 55.