On Mon, August 28, 2006 2:07 am, Tony Bowden via RT <bug-Class-DBI@rt.cpan.org> said:
Show quoted text> You wouldn't happen to have a test case would
> you?
A test case follows.
In fact, two test cases follow. The second addresses a concern, apparently historical based on some list discussion, about what this amendment to ->construct will do to changed columns that have not yet been saved back to the database. There is a feeling the code should check for changed-but-unsaved columns and recognize cases where fresh data from the database sent to ->construct differs from in-memory data added to the object but not yet saved in the database.
There was some discussion on whether the proper thing to do in such a case is to die or to preserve the unsaved data silently. I have come around to preserving unsaved data silently, since this is what Class::DBI does now -- ->construct ignored any new data from the database differing from the in-memory data (since it ignores *everything* from the database when there is in-memory data). It is more important to preseve existing behavior than to be "correct," and in this case there is debate over what's correct anyway.
However, I do think CDBI should emit a warning in these cases.
My second test, then, checks to make sure that if you change an object column, do not save the new data to the database, then try and ->construct that object with new, conflicting data for that column, CDBI will preservbe the changed, unsaved column value. This passes at the moment since this is how CDBI works now.
Finally, my test is probably a little more complicated than strictly neccesary because it mirrors the real-world scenario where this emerged for me, which was fastest for me to code.
Here are the tests:
use strict;
use warnings;
package Project;
use base 'Class::DBI::Test::SQLite';
__PACKAGE__->columns(Primary => qw(id));
__PACKAGE__->columns(Essential => qw(title size latest_event_id));
__PACKAGE__->has_a(latest_event_id => 'Event');
__PACKAGE__->has_many(events => ['Project::Event' => 'event_id']);
sub create_sql{
return q{
title VARCHAR(255),
size INT,
latest_event_id INT
SELECT event.id, event.title,
FROM event, project_event
WHERE event.id=project_event.event_id
AND project_event.project_id=?
sub events_with_project_events{
my $self = shift;
my $sth = $self->sql_events_with_project_events;
my @events_with_project_events;
while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref) {
my $i = 0;
my %event = map { $_ => $row->[ $i++ ] } qw(id title);
my %project_event = map { $_ => $row->[ $i++ ] } qw(occured_on);
my $event = Event->construct(\%event);
my $project_event = Project::Event->construct(\%project_event);
push @events_with_project_events, [$event, $project_event];
return @events_with_project_events;
package Event;
use base 'Class::DBI::Test::SQLite';
__PACKAGE__->columns(Primary => qw(id));
__PACKAGE__->columns(Essential => qw(title));
__PACKAGE__->has_many(projects => ['Project::Event' => 'project_id']);
sub create_sql{
return q{
title VARCHAR(255)
package Project::Event;
use base 'Class::DBI::Test::SQLite';
__PACKAGE__->columns(Primary => qw(project_id event_id));
__PACKAGE__->columns(Essential => qw(occured_on));
sub create_sql{
return q{
project_id INT,
event_id INT,
occured_on INT,
to_occur_on INT
package main;
use Test::More;
plan tests => 2;
Event->insert({id => 1, title => 'Conception'});
Event->insert({id => 2, title => 'Completion'});
Project->insert({id => 1, title => 'Cafe Julep',
size => '1000', latest_event_id => 2});
Project::Event->insert({project_id => 1, event_id => 1,
occured_on => 1156915321});
Project::Event->insert({project_id => 1, event_id => 2,
occured_on => 1156915322});
my $project = Project->retrieve(1);
my ($event_with_project_event) = grep { $_->[0]->id == 2 } $project->events_with_project_events;
my ($event, $project_event) = @$event_with_project_event;
ok(($event->_attr('title'))[0] eq 'Completion', 'construct can add data to objects in LiveObject index');
ok(($event->_attr('title'))[0] eq 'Finished', 'construct preserves value of changed but unsaved columns of objects in LiveObject index');