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This queue is for tickets about the Time-Piece CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 21005
Status: rejected
Priority: 0/
Queue: Time-Piece

Owner: Nobody in particular
Requestors: derek [...]

Bug Information
Severity: Important
Broken in: 1.08
Fixed in: (no value)

Subject: Time::Piece::strptime should preserve stringify format.
This is actually broken in 1.09, but this choice of versions was not in the tracker. I wanted to use Time::Piece parse a timestamps coming out of a MySQL server (but stored as a varchar) in a backwards-compatible manner, in the same sense that Time::Piece::localtime returns a backwards compatible object since it stringifies the same way the scalar output of localtime would. Thus, since the timestamp field was normally formatted as "YYYYmmddHHMMSS", I wanted a Time::Piece object that stringified the same way. To this end, I subclassed Time::Piece with an object that allows the default stringify function to be set via a set_stringify method, via arguments to new(), or via arguments to strptime(). In addition, strptime($string, $format) method calls set_stringify (\&Time::Piece::strftime, $format) on the object it creates before returning it, regardless. This seems like good default behavior to me and would be trivial to add it to Time::Piece in a backwards compatible manner (except for the non-&cdate default stringify for objects created by strptime, but I think this would be a Good Thing (tm)). I've attached the subclass I created. Moving the new functionality into Time::Piece should be trivial, but please let me know if you have any questions. Also, please let me know what you decide to do with it, whatever that is.
package Time::Piece::Adaptive; use warnings; use strict; =head1 VERSION Version 0.01 =cut our $VERSION = 0.01; =head1 NAME Time::Piece::Adaptive - subclass of Time::Piece which allows the default stringification function to be set. =head1 REQUIRES Subclasses Time::Piece. =head1 SYNOPSIS See Time::Piece I actually think this subclass encapsulates the behavior I would expect from Time::Piece, but I haven't been able to elicit a response from the authors of Time::Piece. =head1 EXPORT =over 4 =item * gmtime =item * localtime =item * :override: =back See Time::Piece for more. =cut use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT %EXPORT_TAGS); require Exporter; require DynaLoader; use Time::Piece; @ISA = qw(Time::Piece); @EXPORT = qw( localtime gmtime ); %EXPORT_TAGS = ( ':override' => 'internal', ); =head1 METHODS =head2 new my $t1 = new Time::Piece::Adaptive (time, stringify => "%Y%m%d%H%M%S"); print "The MySql timestamp was $t1."; my $t2 = new Time::Piece::Adaptive (time, stringify => \&my_func, stringify_args => $my_data); Like the constructor for Time::Piece, except it may set the default stringify function. The above examples are semanticly equivalent to: my $t1 = new Time::Piece::Adaptive (time); $t1->set_stringify ("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"); print "The MySql timestamp was $t1."; my $t2 = new Time::Piece::Adaptive (time); $t2->set_stringify (\&my_func, $my_data); =cut sub new { my ($class, $time, %args) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new ($time); my $stringify = $args{stringify} if exists $args{stringify}; my $stringify_args = $args{stringify_args} if exists $args{stringify_args}; $self->set_stringify ($stringify, $stringify_args); return $self; } =head2 localtime =head2 gmtime C<localtime> and C<gmtime> work like Time::Piece's versions, except they accept stringify arguments, as C<new>. =cut sub localtime { unshift @_, __PACKAGE__ unless eval {$_[0]->isa ('Time::Piece')}; my $class = shift; my $time = shift; $time = time unless defined $time; return $class->_mktime ($time, 1, @_); } sub gmtime { unshift @_, __PACKAGE__ unless eval {$_[0]->isa ('Time::Piece')}; my $class = shift; my $time = shift; $time = time unless defined $time; return $class->_mktime ($time, 0, @_); } sub _mktime { my ($class, $time, $islocal, %args) = @_; return $class->SUPER::_mktime ($time) if wantarray; my $self = $class->SUPER::_mktime ($time); my $stringify = $args{stringify} if exists $args{stringify}; my $stringify_args = $args{stringify_args} if exists $args{stringify_args}; $self->set_stringify ($stringify, $stringify_args); return $self; } =head2 set_stringify $t->set_stringify ($format, $arg); print "The date is $t."; If C<$format> is a reference to a function, set the stringify function to C<$format>, which should return a string when passed a reference to an instantiated Time::Piece and C<$arg>. If C<$format> is a string, use it to format an output string using C<strftime> (any C<$arg> is ignored). When called without specifying C<$format>, restore the default stringifier (&Time::Piece::cdate). =cut use overload '""' => \&_stringify; use constant 'c_stringify_func' => 11; use constant 'c_stringify_arg' => 12; sub _stringify { my ($self) = @_; my $func = $self->[c_stringify_func]; my $arg = $self->[c_stringify_arg]; my $string = &{$func}($self, $arg); return $string; } sub set_stringify { my ($self, $format, $arg) = @_; if (ref $format) { $self->[c_stringify_func] = $format; if (defined $arg) { $self->[c_stringify_arg] = $arg if defined $arg; } else { delete $self->[c_stringify_arg]; } } elsif (defined $format) { $self->[c_stringify_func] = \&Time::Piece::strftime; $self->[c_stringify_arg] = $format; } else { $self->[c_stringify_func] = \&Time::Piece::cdate; delete $self->[c_stringify_arg]; } } =head2 add =head2 subtract Like the Time::Piece functions of the same name, except C<stringify_func> and C<stringify_arg> arguments are accepted. Also, when a Time::Piece::Adaptive object is subtracted from an arbitrary object, it is converted to a string according to its stringify function and passed to perl for handling. =cut use overload '-' => \&subtract, '+' => \&add; sub subtract { my $time = shift; if ($_[1]) { # SWAPED is set and our parent doesn't know how to handle # NOTDATE - DATE. For backwards compatibility reasons, return # the result as if the string $time resolves to was subtracted # from NOTDATE. return $_[0] - "$time"; } my $new = $time->SUPER::subtract (@_); $new->set_stringify ($time->[c_stringify_func], $time->[c_stringify_arg]) if $new->isa ('Time::Piece'); return $new; } sub add { my ($time) = shift; my $new = $time->SUPER::add (@_); $new->set_stringify ($time->[c_stringify_func], $time->[c_stringify_arg]); return $new; } =head2 strptime my $t = Time::Piece::Adaptive::strptime ($mysqltime, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S"); print "The MySql timestamp was $t."; my $t = Time::Piece::Adaptive::strptime ($mysqltime, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S", stringify => \&Time::Piece::Adaptive::cdate); print "The MySql timestamp was $t."; Like the C<Time::Piece::strptime>, except a stringify function may be set as per C<Time::Piece::Adaptive::new> and, if the stringify function is not explicitly specified, then it is set by calling C<set_stringify ($format)> on the new object with the same C<$format> string passed to C<strptime>. =cut sub strptime { my ($time, $string, $format, %args) = @_; my $self = $time->SUPER::strptime ($string, $format); my $stringify = exists $args{stringify} ? $args{stringify} : $format; my $stringify_args = $args{stringify_args} if exists $args{stringify_args}; $self->set_stringify ($stringify, $stringify_args); return $self; } =head1 AUTHOR Derek Price, C<< <derek at> >> =head1 BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-cgi-wiki-store-mediawiki at>, or through the web interface at L<>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. =head1 SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Time::Piece::Adaptive You can also look for information at: =over 4 =item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation L<> =item * CPAN Ratings L<> =item * RT: CPAN's request tracker L<> =item * Search CPAN L<> =back =head1 COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2006 Derek Price, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut 1;
The latest version of my modifications has been uploaded to CPAN as (currently version 0.02). I still think these changes should be merged with Time::Piece and, in fact, I was denied the Time::Piece::Adaptive name space on CPAN on the grounds that this module was too close to Time::Piece and should be merged. If the backwards compatibility of strptime is an issue (I chose to set the default to stringify in reverse whatever string was read), then perhaps a new function could be added which combines strptime and the new set_stringify calls into one. I believe the rest of my modifications should be backwards compatible.
I disagree that strptime should keep the stringify format. That seems a sane thing for a subclass to do - marking bug as "rejected".