On Fr. 28. Jul. 2006, 16:12:11, ghandi wrote:
Show quoted text> Perl: ActiveState Perl v5.8.8
> DBIx-Class-Schema-Loader Version: 0.03007
> OS: Windows 2000 SP4
> I'm trying to automaticly load the attaches database schema with
> DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader. But the loader doesn't create the
> relations between the tables which only refer with an ForeingKey to
> geodb_locations. It gives out a warning, that for example
> geodb_type_names has no primary key. Which is true. But it referes
Show quoted text> a foreign key to the table geodb_locations which has loc_id set as
> primary.
> Therefor the loader should create a belongs_to() relation in the
> DBIC::Schema it creates. But it doesn't.
> The database dump can be obtained from opengeodb.sf.net.
Sorry, i just copy-pasted an table name for the example. But of course
"geodb_type_names" has no primary key but it's not even related to
geodb_locations. I mean a table like "geodb_intdata" where the loader
complains about the primary key.