Subject: | error:1408F10B:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_RECORD:wrong version number |
I am trying to get Net::FTPSSL working with a FilezillaServer 0.9.18.
I have tested the Filezilla server with a FileZilla Client and it works
correctly using the following two connections
1) FTP over SSL (explicit encryption)
2) FTP over TLS (explicit encryption)
When I try to connect via my perl script using Net::FTPSSL version 0.04
using perl 5.8.6 on a AMD Suse linux 9.2 machine connecting to a
Filezilla 0.9.18 on a windows machine
using the following command:
$ftp=Net::FTPSSL->new($host, debug =>1, encryption => 'E', Timeout => 240);
I get the following error:
SSL connect attempt failederror:1408F10B:SSL
routines:SSL3_GET_RECORD:wrong version number at ./ line 150
This seems to be the same error and scenario described in the link: "Why Can't I Make a Secure
Connection to WS_FTP?"
I would be very grateful for any tips or pointers on how this could be
Sanjay Madhavan