On 9/7/06, ask@develooper.com via RT <bug-DBD-SQLite@rt.cpan.org> wrote:
Show quoted text>
> <URL:
http://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=20286 >
> On Thu Sep 07 19:38:12 2006, muir@idiom.com wrote:
> > The DBI tracing capability isn't good enough for what we need. I can
> > well
> > imagine writing a debug module that would instrument another module to
> > do exactly what I'm suggesting. I don't have the time to write such a
> > debugging module.
> Huh? How can you not make your test suite tell you where it fails and thus reproduce it?
> (or at least get some hints as to where to look).
> - ask
My test suite is testing a cross-product of operations. I took
one of my tests that fails with DBI::SQLite and tried to shorten it.
After removing a bunch of tests, the remaining cross-product cannot
be shortened any more and still provode the DBI::SQLite failure.
On my system, today, my revised suite always fails after test # 6377
and before # 6378.
Interestingly, the values that I'm testing with don't seem to matter.
What does seem to matter is the number of iterations through my test.
My suite can skip any number of initial tests to start in the middle.
If I do that, the failure point also moves.
Each cycle through my test suite I'm probably making 150 calls to
the DBI layer. I do know something about where it fails. When I try
to do:
UPDATE charm1attribute
SET pval = ?, ptype = ?
WHERE id = ? AND pkey = ?
With values: 105, R, 104, nopkey
It fails with:
unable to open database file(1) at dbdimp.c line 398
To make debugging easier, I've added code to my test suite so that
DBI tracing can be turned on not long before the failure rather than
at the beginning.
The revised suite is below.
Show quoted text------------------------ cut here ---------------------
#!/usr/bin/perl -I../lib -I./..
my $dbi_trace_turnon = 6377;
my $dbi_trace_level = 4;
# Revised version of nulls.t from OOPS 1.005 cut down to
# show the DBI::SQLite problem.
# DBI::SQLite fails this after test # 6377
print "1..0 # Skipped: run this by hand or set \$ENV{OOPSTEST_SLOW}\n";
$OOPS::SelfFilter::defeat = 1
unless defined $OOPS::SelfFilter::defeat;
for my $m (qw(Data::Dumper Clone::PP)) {
unless ( eval " require $m " ) {
print "1..0 # Skipped: this test requires the $m module\n";
use OOPS;
require Carp::Heavy;
use Carp qw(confess);
use Scalar::Util qw(reftype);
use strict;
use warnings;
use OOPS::TestCommon;
unless ($dbms eq 'sqlite') {
print "1..0 # Skipped: this test is for DBD::SQLite only\n";
import Clone::PP qw(clone);
my $skipto = 0; # go directly to test number...
print "1..7356\n";
my $debug2 = 0;
my $debug3 = 0;
resetall; # --------------------------------------------------
my $realdebug = $debug;
my $failures = <<'END';
# flags:
# V - try with virtual object and regular object
# h - set $key to various keys a hash might use
# a - set $key to various index an array might use
# v - replace $pval with potential values
my $tests = <<'END';
Vhv- $root->{$key} = $pval
my %failures;
for my $failure (split(/\n/, $failures)) {
$failure =~ s/^\s+//;
$failure =~ s/\s+$//;
$failures{$failure} = 1;
print "# adding '$failure'\n" if $debug2;
for my $test (split(/^\s*$/m, $tests)) {
$test =~ s/\s*(\S*)-\s//s;
my $flag = $1;
my (@virt) = $flag =~ /V/
? (qw(
: (0);
my (@key) = (0);
if ($flag =~ /h/) {
@key = (qw(
} elsif ($flag =~ /a/) {
@key = (0..7);
no warnings qw(syntax);
my (@val) = $flag =~ /v/
? (qw(
: ( '1' );
use warnings;
my @skips = (qw(10 00 01 11));
my @groups = ('onegroup', '', 'manygroups');
my $nodata_per_loop = count(grep(! /root/, @val)) / scalar(@val);
my $skippre_per_loop = count(grep(substr($_, 0, 1), @skips)) / scalar(@skips);
my $skippost_per_loop = 2 * count(grep(substr($_, 1, 1), @skips)) /
my $loops = scalar(@val) * scalar(@key) * scalar(@groups) *
scalar(@virt) * scalar(@skips);
my $base_per_loop =
3 # resetall
+ 2 * 2 # rcon
+ (($flag =~ /V/) ? 1 : 0) # test vobj
+ 1 # test unconditional
+ 1 # notied
my $per_loop = $base_per_loop + $skippre_per_loop + $skippost_per_loop;
# printf "# per_loop = %d ( 9 + flag:%s + pre:%s + post:%s + nodata:%s )\n",
# $per_loop,
# (($flag =~ /V/) ? 1 : 0),
# $skippre_per_loop,
# $skippost_per_loop,
# $nodata_per_loop;
my $expected = $okay + $loops * ($per_loop + $nodata_per_loop);
if ($expected < $skipto) {
$okay = $expected;
for my $val (@val) {
$nodata_per_loop = ($val =~ /root/) ? 0 : 1;
my $loops = scalar(@key) * scalar(@groups) * scalar(@virt) * scalar(@skips);
my $expected2 = $okay + $loops * ($per_loop + $nodata_per_loop);
if ($expected2 < $skipto) {
$okay = $expected2;
for my $key (@key) {
my $loops = scalar(@groups) * scalar(@virt) * scalar(@skips);
my $expected3 = $okay + $loops * ($per_loop + $nodata_per_loop);
if ($expected3 < $skipto) {
$okay = $expected3;
my $sub;
my $e = <<END;
\$sub = sub {
my \$z = 'ov09'x($ocut/4+1);
my \$root = shift;
my \$pval = $val;
my \$key = $key;
no warnings;
eval $e;
die "on $test/$val/$key ... <<$e>> ... $@" if $@;
for my $skips (@skips) {
my $skippre = substr($skips, 0, 1);
my $skippost = substr($skips, 1, 1);
my $loops = scalar(@groups) * scalar(@virt);
my $per_loop2 = $base_per_loop + $nodata_per_loop
+ ($skippre ? 0 : 1)
+ ($skippost ? 0 : 2);
my $expected4 = $okay + $loops * $per_loop2;
if ($expected4 < $skipto) {
$okay = $expected4;
for my $groupmangle (@groups) {
my $loops = scalar(@virt);
my $expected5 = $okay + $loops * $per_loop2;
if ($expected5 < $skipto) {
$okay = $expected5;
for my $vobj (@virt) {
my $expected6 = $okay + $per_loop2;
if ($expected6 < $skipto) {
$okay = $expected6;
if ($expected6 >= $dbi_trace_turnon) {
$OOPS::debug_dbi = $dbi_trace_level;
my $preok = $okay;
die if $debug && $okay != $preok + 3;
my $desc = "$flag- $test: key=$key val=$val
$desc =~ s/\A\s*(.*?)\s*\Z/$1/s;
$desc =~ s/\n\s*/\\n /g;
$debug = $failures{$desc}
? 0
: $realdebug;
print "# desc='$desc' debug=$debug\n";
print "# $desc\n" if $debug;
my $rv = "x\000x";
my $x = chr(0)x($ocut+1);
my $mroot = {
# the length of this array should match the flag =~ /a/ array
size of @key (above).
'' => { skey2 => 'sval2' },
undef => "0 but true",
"0" => [ qw(
), '"0 but true"' ],
"0 but true" => \$rv,
"0\000" => \[ undef, "0", chr(0) ],
chr(0) => \{ chr(0) => undef},
# "With\000inside" => \ (scalar(chr(0)x($ocut+1))),
#XXX "with\\back" => \$x,
#XXX "witH\\back" => \$x,
$r1->{named_objects}{root} = clone($mroot);
$r1->virtual_object($r1->{named_objects}{root}, $vobj) if $vobj;
if ($groupmangle) {
die if $debug && $okay != $preok + 3 + 2;
print "#PROGRESS: BEFORE $desc\n" if $debug2;
my $proot = $r1->{named_objects}{root};
test(docompare($mroot, $proot), $desc) unless $skippre;
die if $debug && $okay != $preok + 3 + 2 + ($skippre ? 0 : 1);
print "mroot before: ".Dumper($mroot)."\n" if $debug3;
print "mroot after: ".Dumper($mroot)."\n" if $debug3;
print "#PROGRESS: PRE CHANGES: $desc\n" if $debug2;
print "proot before: ".Dumper($proot)."\n" if $debug3;
print "# EXECUTING: $desc\n" if $debug;
print "#PROGRESS: POST CHANGES: $desc\n" if $debug2;
print "proot after: ".Dumper($proot)."\n" if $debug3;
print "#PROGRESS: PRE COMPARE: $desc\n" if $debug2;
test(docompare($mroot, $proot), $desc) unless $skippost;
die if $debug && $okay != $preok + 3 + 2 + ($skippre ? 0 : 1) +
($skippost ? 0 : 1);
print "#PROGRESS: POST COMPARE, PRE COMMIT: $desc\n" if $debug2;
print "#PROGRESS: POST COMMIT, PRE COMPARE#2: $desc\n" if $debug2;
test(docompare($mroot, $proot), $desc) unless $skippost;
die if $debug && $okay != $preok + 3 + 2 + ($skippre ? 0 : 1) +
($skippost ? 0 : 2);
print "#PROGRESS: POST COMPARE#2, PRE RECONNECT: $desc\n" if $debug2;
undef $proot;
# our $xy = 1;
die if $debug && $okay != $preok + 3 + 2 + ($skippre ? 0 : 1) +
($skippost ? 0 : 2) + 2;
my $qroot = $r1->{named_objects}{root};
print "#PROGRESS: POST RECONNECT, PRE COMPARE #3: $desc\n" if $debug2;
test(docompare($mroot, $qroot), $desc);
die if $debug && $okay != $preok + 3 + 2 + ($skippre ? 0 : 1) +
($skippost ? 0 : 2) + 2 +1;
print "#PROGRESS: POST COMPARE #3, PRE DELETES: $desc\n" if $debug2;
test(!$vobj == !$r1->virtual_object($qroot), $desc) if $flag =~ /V/;
die if $debug && $okay != $preok + 3 + 2 + ($skippre ? 0 : 1) +
($skippost ? 0 : 2) + 2 + 1 + (($flag =~ /V/) ? 1 : 0);
nukevar($qroot, $mroot);
delete $r1->{named_objects}{root};
print "#PROGRESS: POST DELETES, PRE COMMIT: $desc\n" if $debug2;
print "#PROGRESS: FINAL COMMIT DONE: $desc\n" if $debug2;
undef $qroot;
nodata unless $val =~ /root/;
die if $debug && $okay != $preok + 3 + 2 + ($skippre ? 0 : 1) +
($skippost ? 0 : 2) + 2 + 1 + ($flag =~ /V/ ? 1 : 0) + (($val =~
/root/) ? 0 : 1);
die if $debug && $okay != $preok + 3 + 2 + ($skippre ? 0 : 1) +
($skippost ? 0 : 2) + 2 + 1 + ($flag =~ /V/ ? 1 : 0) + (($val =~
/root/) ? 0 : 1) + 1;
print "#PROGRESS: DONE WITH TEST: $desc\n" if $debug2;
print "# okay: $okay expected6: $expected6\n";
die "bad prediction" if $debug && $okay != $expected6;
print "# okay: $okay expected5: $expected5\n";
die "bad prediction" if $debug && $okay != $expected5;
print "# okay: $okay expected4: $expected4\n";
die "bad prediction" if $debug && $okay != $expected4;
print "# okay: $okay expected3: $expected3\n";
die "bad prediction" if $debug && $okay != $expected3;
print "# okay: $okay expected2: $expected2\n";
die "bad prediction" if $debug && $okay != $expected2;
print "# okay: $okay expected: $expected\n";
die "bad prediction" if $debug && $okay != $expected;
$debug = $realdebug;
resetall; # --------------------------------------------------
print "# ---------------------------- done
---------------------------\n" if $debug;
print "# tests: $okay\n" if $debug;
exit 0; # ----------------------------------------------------
sub count
return scalar(@_);