Subject: | Palm memos not decode from Windows-1252 |
XML::Generator::Pdb does not decode the Windows-1252 encoding used on my
Palm TX. For example, bullet characters end up as Unicode replacement
characters in the UTF-8 XML output.
I fixed this locally in ($Id:,v 2003/04/06
21:20:57 cvsjohan Exp $) with 'use Encode' and the 'decode' function in
the block that parses text records:
elsif ($field eq 'text') {
my ($content) = ( substr($data, $offset) =~ /^(.+?)\0/s );
$offset += length($content) + 1;
$self->field($field, undef, decode('Windows-1252', $content));
Peter Hilton
This is perl, v5.8.8 built for i486-linux-gnu-thread-multi
Debian Linux 2.6.15-1-686 #2 Mon Mar 6 15:27:08 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux