Subject: | Wrong sighup handling - Warning perl newbie |
I try to use Net::Server for a radius tool server. I use the daemonize
functionality and the prefork server extension. I use the default config
for prefork servers (one parent ;-)) and 5 clinets).
The exapmle of an udpserver works fine and the combination of the radius
and the udpserver works fine as an radius daemon.
But when I try to send a SIGHUP signal to the parent proccess and when
watching the proccess table i figure out that the 5 clinets are defunct
and 5 new clients are started. After a second SIGHUP all clienst die and
now the suggested 5 working clients start up. Every following SIGHUP has
the suggested result.
Andreas Kippnick
Net::Server v 0.93
This is perl, v5.8.6 built for i586-linux-thread-multi
kernelversion 2.6
Suse Linux 9.3