Subject: | 'bus error' in perl on mac os x when using DBD::SQLite and prepared statements |
Mac OS X 10.2.3 (Darwin 6.3 Darwin Kernel Version 6.3: Sat Dec 14 03:11:25 PST 2002; root:xnu/xnu-344.23.obj~4/RELEASE_PPC )
Standard Perl (5.6.0)
DBD::SQLite 0.23
The following code fails after running through the loop 20 times or so (in reads in from a file).
$name = "the name";
$email = "the email";
$sth = $dbh->prepare("insert into emails (email, name) values (?,?);
while (<INPUT>) {
$sth->execute($email, $name);
The following code works fine:
$name = "the name";
$email = "the email";
while (<INPUT>) {
$dbh->do("insert into emails (email, name) values ($email, $name)");
Both versions work fine on Linux.
Also "Testing INSERT speed ..." during install fails with bus error too. I've used force install to get it on - this is from cpan.
Sorry no idea of where a fix should go but happy to test any changes.
peter wilkinson.