The "-height" and "-width" flags only work in the first blank_frame, but
not in subsequent blank_frame. I have also try to use "-height" and
"-width" flags in wizard, but no effect.
I test the following program under Tk-Wizard-Bases-1.943, perl 5.8.5-16,
Expected result:
1st page has dimension 400x800, 2nd page has 300x400.
Real result:
All pages has dimension 400x800.
use Tk::Wizard::Installer;
my $wizard = new Tk::Wizard(
-title => "Test",
-style => 'top',
$wizard->addPage( sub{
-height => 400,
-width => 800,
$wizard->addPage( sub{
-height => 300,
-width => 400,
$wizard->addPage( sub{