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This queue is for tickets about the Crypt-DSA CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 19184
Status: open
Priority: 0/
Queue: Crypt-DSA

Owner: Nobody in particular
Requestors: webmaster [...]

Bug Information
Severity: Normal
Broken in: 0.14
Fixed in: 1.16

Subject: using of `which` in on MSWin32
Windows have no command "which". Maybe you can use "pwhich" if File::Which is installed.
From: Alexandr Ciornii <alexchorny [...]>
Show quoted text
> Windows have no command "which". Maybe you can use "pwhich" if > File::Which is installed.
patched Crypt::DSA::KeyChain & Makefile.PL are attached Uses File::Which without executing pwhich. ------- Alexandr Ciornii,
# $Id: 1938 2006-05-03 06:20:36Z btrott $ package Crypt::DSA::KeyChain; use strict; use Math::BigInt lib => 'GMP'; use Digest::SHA1 qw( sha1 ); use Carp qw( croak ); use IPC::Open3; use File::Spec; use Symbol qw( gensym ); use Crypt::DSA::Key; use Crypt::DSA::Util qw( bin2mp bitsize mod_exp makerandom isprime ); sub new { my $class = shift; bless { @_ }, $class; } sub generate_params { my $keygen = shift; my %param = @_; my $bits = Math::BigInt->new($param{Size}); croak "Number of bits (Size) is too small" unless $bits; delete $param{Seed} if $param{Seed} && length $param{Seed} != 20; my $v = $param{Verbosity}; # try to use fast implementations found on the system, if available. unless ($param{Seed} || wantarray || $param{PurePerl}) { # OpenSSL support my $openssl; if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { require File::Which; die if $File::Which::VERSION < 0.05; #Did not tested with older version $openssl=File::Which::which('openssl'); } else { $openssl = `which openssl`; } chomp $openssl; if ($openssl) { print STDERR "Using openssl\n" if $v; my $bits_n = int($bits); open( NULL, ">", File::Spec->devnull ); my $pid = open3( gensym, \*OPENSSL, ">&NULL", "$openssl dsaparam -text -noout $bits_n" ); my @res; while( <OPENSSL> ) { push @res, $_; } waitpid( $pid, 0 ); my %parts; my $cur_part; foreach (@res) { if (/^\s+(\w):\s*$/) { $cur_part = $1; next; } if (/^\s*((?:[0-9a-f]{2,2}:?)+)\s*$/) { $parts{$cur_part} .= $1; } } $parts{$_} =~ s/://g for keys %parts; if (scalar keys %parts == 3) { my $key = Crypt::DSA::Key->new; $key->p(Math::BigInt->new("0x" . $parts{p})); $key->q(Math::BigInt->new("0x" . $parts{q})); $key->g(Math::BigInt->new("0x" . $parts{g})); return $key; } } } # Pure Perl version: my($counter, $q, $p, $seed, $seedp1) = (0); ## Generate q. { print STDERR "." if $v; $seed = $param{Seed} ? delete $param{Seed} : join '', map chr rand 256, 1..20; $seedp1 = _seed_plus_one($seed); my $md = sha1($seed) ^ sha1($seedp1); vec($md, 0, 8) |= 0x80; vec($md, 19, 8) |= 0x01; $q = bin2mp($md); redo unless isprime($q); } print STDERR "*\n" if $v; my $n = int(("$bits"-1) / 160); my $b = ($bits-1)-Math::BigInt->new($n)*160; my $p_test = Math::BigInt->new(1); $p_test <<= ($bits-1); ## Generate p. { print STDERR "." if $v; my $W = Math::BigInt->new(0); for my $k (0..$n) { $seedp1 = _seed_plus_one($seedp1); my $r0 = bin2mp(sha1($seedp1)); $r0 %= Math::BigInt->new(2) ** $b if $k == $n; $W += $r0 << (Math::BigInt->new(160) * $k); } my $X = $W + $p_test; $p = $X - ($X % (2 * $q) - 1); last if $p >= $p_test && isprime($p); redo unless ++$counter >= 4096; } print STDERR "*" if $v; my $e = ($p - 1) / $q; my $h = Math::BigInt->new(2); my $g; { $g = mod_exp($h, $e, $p); $h++, redo if $g == 1; } print STDERR "\n" if $v; my $key = Crypt::DSA::Key->new; $key->p($p); $key->q($q); $key->g($g); return wantarray ? ($key, $counter, "$h", $seed) : $key; } sub generate_keys { my $keygen = shift; my $key = shift; my($priv_key, $pub_key); { my $i = bitsize($key->q); $priv_key = makerandom(Size => $i); $priv_key -= $key->q if $priv_key >= $key->q; redo if $priv_key == 0; } $pub_key = mod_exp($key->g, $priv_key, $key->p); $key->priv_key($priv_key); $key->pub_key($pub_key); } sub _seed_plus_one { my($s, $i) = ($_[0]); for ($i=19; $i>=0; $i--) { vec($s, $i, 8)++; last unless vec($s, $i, 8) == 0; } $s; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Crypt::DSA::KeyChain - DSA key generation system =head1 SYNOPSIS use Crypt::DSA::KeyChain; my $keychain = Crypt::DSA::KeyChain->new; my $key = $keychain->generate_params( Size => 512, Seed => $seed, Verbosity => 1, ); $keychain->generate_keys($key); =head1 DESCRIPTION I<Crypt::DSA::KeyChain> is a lower-level interface to key generation than the interface in I<Crypt::DSA> (the I<keygen> method). It allows you to separately generate the I<p>, I<q>, and I<g> key parameters, given an optional starting seed, and a mandatory bit size for I<p> (I<q> and I<g> are 160 bits each). You can then call I<generate_keys> to generate the public and private portions of the key. =head1 USAGE =head2 $keychain = Crypt::DSA::KeyChain->new Constructs a new I<Crypt::DSA::KeyChain> object. At the moment this isn't particularly useful in itself, other than being the object you need in order to call the other methods. Returns the new object. =head2 $key = $keychain->generate_params(%arg) Generates a set of DSA parameters: the I<p>, I<q>, and I<g> values of the key. This involves finding primes, and as such it can be a relatively long process. When invoked in scalar context, returns a new I<Crypt::DSA::Key> object. In list context, returns the new I<Crypt::DSA::Key> object, along with: the value of the internal counter when a suitable prime I<p> was found; the value of I<h> when I<g> was derived; and the value of the seed (a 20-byte string) when I<q> was found. These values aren't particularly useful in normal circumstances, but they could be useful. I<%arg> can contain: =over 4 =item * Size The size in bits of the I<p> value to generate. The I<q> and I<g> values are always 160 bits each. This argument is mandatory. =item * Seed A seed with which I<q> generation will begin. If this seed does not lead to a suitable prime, it will be discarded, and a new random seed chosen in its place, until a suitable prime can be found. This is entirely optional, and if not provided a random seed will be generated automatically. =item * Verbosity Should be either 0 or 1. A value of 1 will give you a progress meter during I<p> and I<q> generation--this can be useful, since the process can be relatively long. The default is 0. =back =head2 $keychain->generate_keys($key) Generates the public and private portions of the key I<$key>, a I<Crypt::DSA::Key> object. =head1 AUTHOR & COPYRIGHT Please see the Crypt::DSA manpage for author, copyright, and license information. =cut
# $Id: Makefile.PL 1938 2006-05-03 06:20:36Z btrott $ use inc::Module::Install; name 'Crypt-DSA'; all_from 'lib/Crypt/'; requires 'Digest::SHA1' => 0; requires 'Math::BigInt' => '1.60'; requires 'Data::Random' => '0.05' if $^O eq 'MSWin32'; requires 'File::Which' => '0.05' if $^O eq 'MSWin32'; features( 'Read/write PEM-encoded files' => [ -default => 0, recommends('Convert::PEM' => '0.07'), ], 'Read/write SSH2 keyfiles' => [ -default => 0, recommends('Data::Buffer' => '0.01'), ], ); sign(1); auto_install; WriteAll;
From: SMUELLER [...]
On So. 16. Jul. 2006, 13:21:59, wrote: Show quoted text
> patched Crypt::DSA::KeyChain & Makefile.PL are attached > Uses File::Which without executing pwhich.
When applying that, don't forget to list File::Which as a dependency in Makefile.PL! Possibly make it a dependency on win32 only. But since File::Which is readily available everywhere, it's probably the way of least resistance to just add File::Which as a dependency altogether. Steffen