Subject: | Makefile.PL INC/LIBS detection |
Your detection of INC/LIBS paths fails on windows when
the js library is installed and compiled in ../js
It fails because
if (scalar(@JS_INCL_DIRS) == scalar(@c_header_files)) {
evaluates as
(scalar(../js/src/) == scalar(jsapi.h jsautocfg.h))
I don't quite understand your logic there,
but you were probably going for something like this
$JS_LIB_DIR = $libfile;
$JS_LIB_DIR =~ s/$possible_lib$//;
if (@JS_INCL_DIRS and @c_header_files) {
} else {
That works fine.
You might want to add a note to INSTALL to mention
tar zxfv js-1.5.tar.gz
cd ..\js\src\
nmake -f js.mak CFG="js - Win32 Release"