On Sat Apr 08 05:19:20 2006, guest wrote:
Show quoted text> Hi
> When installing MQSeries1.23 on a MQv6 computer, I get a lot of
> warnings, unused symbols etc. around 25% of the tests fails.
> MQv6 works fine using it the ordinary way with c-commands and linking
> -lmqm_r and -lmqm (linux SUSE10/RHEL4)
> I'm unable to find the MQv5x software for downloading as a trial.
Please mail me at my work address (Hildo.Biersma@MorganStanley.com) with
details of:
- Your OS
- The version of perl used
- The build logs of the MQSeries module
- The CONFIG file
- Your MQ installation (client? server? both?)
We've done some in-house work on support for MQ v6 (mostly on
MQSeries::Command) which will go into the 1.24 release; the basic module
compiles just fine for us on MQ v6. We've done this on Linux (RHEL 3.x)
and Solaris.
I'm sure we'll get this to work with you, potemtially with an early cut
of the 1.24 release, though we may have to go through a few rounds of