Subject: | When curly braces are unbalanced, program enters endless loop |
When CSS contains something like this:
body { color: black
h1 { color: green }
...then the program fails to extract the rule using Text::Balanced::
extract_bracketed, which will return an empty string + the $css
variable will remain unchanged. But the code does not check, if the
rule is empty string, it assumes all is fine, and continues to parse
next selector. But of course there is no selector to be found - so it
reports an element selector with no name defined. And it again reaches
this point, where it uses Text::Balanced... and it loops... loops...
loops... and loads of universal selectors are found...
I have fixed it for myself with the following code. Not sure how
correct it is:
($rule,$css,undef) = Text::Balanced::extract_bracketed($css,q/{}"/,qr/\s
*/); #"
# if Text::Balanced returned an empty string, this means, it failed to
# the final closing parenthesis '}'.
if ( $rule eq '' ) {
# try to skip into next closing parenthesis
if ( $css =~ s/^[^}]*}// ) {
$sac->[_eh_]->warning('Curly braces not balanced. Skipping to
next "}"');
else {
$sac->[_eh_]->fatal_error('Unable to match closing "}"');
else {