Subject: | $resp_pdu->status |
In the manual it is written:
$resp_pdu = $smpp->submit_sm(destination_addr => '+447799658372',
short_message => 'test message')
or die;
die "Response indicated error: " . $resp_pdu->explain_status()
if $resp_pdu->status;
But, it doesn't work. Error "Not a GLOB reference..." occurs.
package Net::SMPP;
sub read_pdu {
my $pdu = { cmd => 0, status => 0, seq => 0, data => '', };
return bless $pdu => 'Net::SMPP::PDU';
package Net::SMPP::PDU;
sub status {
my $me = shift;
return ${*$me}{status};
So it seems that subroutine SMPP::read_pdu should return GLOB instead of
object reference.