On Wed Mar 15 16:40:38 2006, JDHEDDEN wrote:
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The failed module is not installed, as so much as it's path has been included
in @INC for testing purposes. After a completed 'run' of commands, this @INC
addition should be cleared.
CPANPLUS offers an API call for this, which doesn't look like it's being used by
CPAN::YACSmoke (the module that actually generated the test reports)
a call to flush the relevant caches is needed, along these lines:
$cb->flush( $_ ) for @caches
relevant types are probably these (from perldoc CPANPLUS::Backend: )
=item * C<modules>
Information about modules such as prerequisites and whether
installation succeeded, failed, or was not attempted.
=item * C<lib>
This resets PERL5LIB, which is changed to ensure that while installing
modules they are in our @INC.
=item * C<load>
This resets the cache of modules we've attempted to load, but failed.
This enables you to load them again after a failed load, if they
somehow have become available.
I'll move this ticket to the cpan::yacsmoke queue, in the hope the
author can address this issue.
Thanks for reporting,