Subject: | ignores urllist config unless LWP is used |
Installing modules after a fresh Perl 5.8.8 install:
- CPAN 1.76 correctly selects the first URL from my urllist
- CPAN 1.87 (after install Bundle::CPAN) always selects, using Net::FTP
this URL does not exist in my config.
CPAN 1.84 is the first version to exhibit this behaviour, 1.83 does it
After installation of LWP, CPAN uses the correct URL again.
OS: SuSE9.1, perl 5.8.8
The CPAN config file below is from ~/.cpan/CPAN/ (root), but
it is the same when it is configured systemwide.
# This is's systemwide configuration file. This file provides
# defaults for users, and the values can be changed in a per-user
# configuration file. The user-config file is being looked for as
# ~/.cpan/CPAN/
$CPAN::Config = {
'build_cache' => q[50],
'build_dir' => q[/root/.cpanlocal/build],
'bzip2' => q[/usr/bin/bzip2],
'cache_metadata' => q[1],
'cpan_home' => q[/root/.cpanlocal],
'curl' => q[],
'ftp' => q[/usr/bin/ftp],
'ftp_proxy' => q[],
'getcwd' => q[cwd],
'gpg' => q[/usr/bin/gpg],
'gzip' => q[/bin/gzip],
'histfile' => q[/root/.cpanlocal/histfile],
'histsize' => q[100],
'http_proxy' => q[],
'inactivity_timeout' => q[0],
'index_expire' => q[1],
'inhibit_startup_message' => q[0],
'keep_source_where' => q[/root/.cpanlocal/sources],
'lynx' => q[/usr/bin/lynx],
'make' => q[/usr/bin/make],
'make_arg' => q[],
'make_install_arg' => q[],
'make_install_make_command' => q[/usr/bin/make],
'makepl_arg' => q[],
'mbuild_arg' => q[],
'mbuild_install_arg' => q[],
'mbuild_install_build_command' => q[./Build],
'mbuildpl_arg' => q[],
'ncftp' => q[],
'ncftpget' => q[],
'no_proxy' => q[localhost],
'pager' => q[less],
'prefer_installer' => q[EUMM],
'prerequisites_policy' => q[follow],
'proxy_user' => q[],
'scan_cache' => q[atstart],
'shell' => q[/bin/bash],
'show_upload_date' => q[0],
'tar' => q[/bin/tar],
'term_is_latin' => q[1],
'unzip' => q[/usr/bin/unzip],
'urllist' => [q[],
'wget' => q[],