Subject: | DBD::SQLite V 1.09 test failure. No error with V 1.11 |
Perl: 5.8.7
DBD::SQLite: 1.09
Rose::DB: 0.65
Rose::DB::Object: 0.681
DBD::SQLite::db prepare failed: right-hand side of IN operator must be
constant(1) at dbdimp.c line 268 at D:\perl-modules\Rose-DB-Object-
0.681\blib\lib/Rose/DB/Object/ line 1401.
get_objects() - DBD::SQLite::db prepare failed: right-hand side of IN
operator must be constant(1) at dbdimp.c line 268 at D:\perl-
modules\Rose-DB-Object-0.681\blib\lib/Rose/DB/Object/ line
at D:\perl-modules\Rose-DB-Object-0.681
\blib\lib/Rose/DB/Object/ line 2144
('Rose::DB::Object::Manager', 'object_class', 'MySQLiteObject', 'query'
, 'ARRAY(0x2e088ac)', 'sort_by', 'id') called at t/db-object-manager.t
line 8868
# Looks like you planned 2939 tests but only ran 2434.
# Looks like your test died just after 2434.
Failed 1/36 test scripts, 97.22% okay. 505/10028 subtests failed,
94.96% okay.
No such error after upgrading to DBD::SQLite V 1.11