Subject: | Jifty::DBI::Record makes wifty fall over, go boom |
wifty seems to be passing something odd to
INFO - You can connect to your server at http://localhost:8888/
DEBUG - Recieved request for /
DEBUG - Dispatching request to
DEBUG - Matched 'on' rule (?-xism:((?<=\A)\z)) for
DEBUG - Redirecting to /view/HomePage
DEBUG - Recieved request for /view/HomePage
DEBUG - Dispatching request to /view/HomePage
DEBUG - Matched 'on' rule (?-xism:^/(view|edit)/(.*)) for /view/HomePage
DEBUG - Setting argument page to Wifty::Model::Page=HASH(0x1c78094)
DEBUG - Setting argument revision to Wifty::Model::Revision=HASH(0x1cc67d4)
DEBUG - Setting argument viewer to Wifty::Action::UpdatePage=HASH(0x1cc6ae0)
DEBUG - Having Mason handle /view
WARN - Mason error: Can't locate object method "COLUMNS" via package
"Welcome to your Wifty" (perhaps you forgot to load "Welcome to your
Wifty"?) at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7/Jifty/DBI/
line 97, <GEN2> line 2.
DEBUG - Recieved request for /__jifty/error/mason_internal_error
DEBUG - Dispatching request to /__jifty/error/mason_internal_error
DEBUG - Having Mason handle /__jifty/error/mason_internal_error
ERROR - Unhandled web error mason_internal_error