Subject: | flush() repeats the last input line |
Hi Michel,
First of all thanks for XML::Twig. I use it to process large XML files
with database records. I have a problem with flush which I think is a bug.
I use flush in my handler and a final flush at the end as described in
the documentation. Sometimes I get the correct result and sometimes I
get the last tag twice. It depends on how often flush is called. A
simple example shows that calling flush more than once repeats the last
input line.
My handler either converts a record + flush or ignores a record + no
flush. I cannot leave out the flush in the script, because than I
sometimes miss the last tag. Is this a bug or a feature ;-) ?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<records xmlns:dbi=''>
<drivergroup>DCE ONG</drivergroup>
<drivergroup>Network WAN Planning</drivergroup>
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use XML::Twig;
my ($file, $elt)= @ARGV;
my $t= XML::Twig->new( twig_handlers =>
{ $elt => sub {$_[0]->flush; print "\n[flushed here]\n";} });
$t->parsefile( $file, ErrorContext => 2);
$t->flush; # in my script, depending on the flush in the handler
needed or not needed
$t->flush; # not in my script, but shows that flushing twice is harmfull
$t->flush; # not in my script
print "\n";
?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
[flushed here]
<record><drivergroup>Network WAN
[flushed here]