Subject: | Non 5.8.x Perls and 051Extra.t bug |
Running on Windows 2000 Pro with Perl 5.6.1, t\051Extra.t results in:
t\051Extra...........NOK 3
# Failed test 'Appender output intact'
# in t\051Extra.t at line 57.
# '2006/02/02 11:33:16 WARN main logcarp
# '
# doesn't match '(?-xism:logcarp.*54)'
t\051Extra...........NOK 5
# Failed test 'Appender output intact'
# in t\051Extra.t at line 64.
# '2006/02/02 11:33:16 WARN main logcarp
# '
# doesn't match '(?-xism:logcarp.*61)'
t\051Extra...........ok 9/9# Looks like you failed 2 tests of 9.
Test returned status 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)
DIED. FAILED tests 3, 5
Failed 2/9 tests, 77.78% okay
This bug has raised its head in other distributions, and is an
assumption that the line output by die/warn etc will have the 'in .*?.t
at line \d+' pattern at the end. If you include a "\n" it won't. I have
tried tracing this through the code, but have been able to follow where
the logcarp() method goes with the $self->warn() call.
If you specifically want to add the file and line information, it may be
better to extract that from caller() and add it to the message yourself.