On Fri Jan 27 21:23:12 2006, DBROBINS wrote:
Show quoted text> I'm able to scp_get files over 64k with no problems; can you provide a
> core dump (you can send it directly to my CPAN address if you prefer).
> The code I just used to test it was:
> perl -MNet::SSH2 -wle
> '$a=Net::SSH2->new();$a->connect("HOSTNAME");$a-
> >auth_keyboard("USER"=>"PASSWORD")
> or die;$c=$a->scp_get("TRIAL64K")'
> Then I diff'd it with the original and it matched.
Here is the core file that I get when executing scp_get.
The other file, 'data.txt', is the sample data i was trying to send.